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I woke up with throbbing pain in the head. My eyes roam around as I realize that I'm lying in bed. Near me was Finn's sleeping figure. I reached out my hand to touch his head, which immediately awakened him. "Big brother!" He cried as he embraced me, panic was all over him.

"What happened?" I tried to get up from the bed but couldn't seem to do so. What the hell is going on? "The nurse said that you got magic sucked out, and it will take awhile before it comes back." Finn answered me, which made my blood boil upon remembering what that woman did.

"No! I have to get to [your name]! She needs to be saved, she's being abused at that school." I panted after saying all those words. Finn smiled faintly as he sat back in the chair.

"[your name]—san came here to see you." My eyes went immediately to Finn, as I wanted to hear more. "She bid her farewell, for she signed out of the exchange student event." Finn continued, sadness is in his voice. "She seemed tired and defeated." He added as the both of us felt in silence. It cannot be, this cannot be.

Desperation washed over me as I tried harder and harder to get off the bed, and Finn tried to stop me. I struggled and struggled. I can't leave her be like that. Not in the hands of that monster. "Stop it, brother! It's futile!" Finn shouted, which stopped me as my body fell back on my bed. "It seems the caster of the magic is forbidding you to use your magic for some reason." He stated. That's right, because they want to hurt her.

"I need to save her, Finn. I need to get her out of that hell." I told him that and tiredness is within me as I kept my eyes open, not tempting him to go to slumber again. "My heart wishes to be with her." I continued as my eyes were about to close. A green smoke appeared, revealing Orter and a woman whom he carried in his arms.

"Are we here, Orter?" The woman was questioned, weakness was visible in her voice. Orter's eyes met mine as I couldn't help but feel the anger ignite within me. "Yes." Orter answered shortly as he asked Finn to move away as he slowly put the woman on the chair near me. As the woman sits on the chair, her face shows a faint smile.

"You must be Rayne, are you the one who received the letter from Orter?" She questioned me slowly, as she didn't take her eyes off of me. "I'm Rayne, and I didn't receive any letters from him. Who are you?" I answered her question and returned a question to her. She laughed a little before looking at Orter.

"You and Orter have the same attitude, straight to the point. I wonder why me and my little sister came to like men like the both of you." She laughed again weakly, which made me squint my eyes at her, and my heartbeat seemed to get abnormal. "My sister is [your name], and I'm Nemesis." She introduced herself. "Orter, I thought you handed the letter to him?" She questioned the man who was standing beside her.

"No, I left the letter at Mr. Wahlberg." He answered. That makes sense now to secure that message, which is going to be seen right away. "Oh, alright." Nemesis answered before returning her gaze to me.

"Rayne, save her." She enunciated as her hands reached for my hand, holding it with plead. "It's her birthday tomorrow, and what I feel is that she wanted to be with you." She added that made my heart ache to know such information about her.

"It's her eighteenth birthday, and all I wanted was to free her from all this torment, and I can't do this alone. You have to help me and Orter." She said her hold on my hand tightened. Silence enshrouded the room as she waited for my response. "I will save her and punish your mother for hurting [your name]." I replied that I had earned a weak smile from her.

"Your mother restrained my magic." I told her that she only replied with a smile. "Don't you know that [your name]'s other magic is light that allows her to heal?" Nemesis said that made my brows furrow from what I heard, which made her chuckle.

"Didn't I tell you that she possessed two lines and possessed two magics, the light and the dark?" She mumbled as she reached for her left hand and placed it on my chest. My gaze went to Orter as his sand gently wrapped around Nemesis for support. "This is her power that saved and healed me, her power that made me alive until now." Nemesis said as she pushed a little on my chest with her hand.

"Order: Holy Healing." She mumbled as her hair started glowing and her hand on my chest too. The warm and soothing sensation started to travel to every part of my body as I felt restored. Slowly, I get to sit up on my bed, and as I glance at her, she is smiling.

"That's enough now, Nemesis." Orter ordered as he withdrew Nemesis hand. Nemesis embraced his lover, seeking comfort. "I hoped she'd be okay." She whispered as I heard her sobs.

"Why?" I questioned. Nemesis got away from Orter and wiped away her tears. "If one of us uses the magic, it puts the other in excruciating pain." She explained with her head down. I remember what she wrote from her letter I thought it only works to her but its either the both them.

"Then why the hell did you use it if it meant hurting her?" I shouted in anger, which made Orter grab me by the collar. "You too, the way you hurt [your name] in front of me still makes me want to beat the shit out of you." I hissed.

"Orter, let him go and tell me what you did to [your name], and I will make my decision if I were to stay with you." Nemesis declared. Orter gulped as he slowly let go of me. I fixed my collar and went to grab my cloak.

"Rayne, this is the only resort I have before it ends. I wanted you to listen to me." The Nemesis voice became firm, which made me stop taking another step. "Our only goal is to save [your name] and put everyone who harmed her in jail, including me."

I turned around to face them, and a sarcastic smirk formed on my lips. "Yeah, you all will be." I responded before leaving the room with anger boiling with me.

I will definitely save you this time.

      I will definitely save you this time

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