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"Start walking." I ordered this girl, who made her eyes squint at me but still complied. We walked silently as she was in front of me, a little distance was between us.

"It's so good, thank you!"

Damn it! I stopped walking and massaged the temple of my head as I felt my ear heating. "Are you alright?" My eyes went wide to see her worried face in front of me. "Do you have a fever? "You're all red?" She questioned me again, extending her arm to check my temperature by placing her soft little hand on my neck.

That little hand that held me a while ago. I swayed her hand away from me and just started walking. "You seem to have a slight fever." She said this before following behind me. "You take some medication for it." She said that I ignored her. I remained silent and focused on the things that I needed to finish by tomorrow.

As we reached her room, she quickly got inside while I stayed outside. It seems her roommate is already here. "Here. I planned on giving it to you tomorrow, but good thing that you get it now." She said. I took the papers from her. "Here's the list of classes you'll be joining. I have a magic history class that is the same as yours. After that, you'll be doing your duty." I explained to her that she agreed and took the paper from my hand.

"Alright, thank you for this and for the dinner. Goodnight!" She vocalized and waved goodbye. I just nodded and went on my way back to my room as well.

When I returned to my room, I saw Max already lying on his bed. "You're a bit late for your usual time." He noticed that made me look over the time, and I'm ten minutes late from my usual time. "I just took the paper from that girl." I answered him before placing the papers on my table and grabbing my towel to take a shower.

"It's so good, thank you!"

Annoying. I scoffed away my thoughts and had my body drenched in water. How's she doing that? She's very emotional.

As I finished showering, I just put on my sleeping clothes and dried my hair a little before sitting on my chair. I went through the paperwork that is still occupying my table, and my eyes landed on hers.

I ran through it.

[your name, last name] 17 years old. Mark is single-line, and she's from Madrigal Academy. Wait, what? She's 17, but why is she in her third year? Shouldn't she be in her second year?

Is this an error?

Anyway, I'll just confirm it with the school administration tomorrow. I put it back on my desk and started going through mine, doing my homework, and some paper work that was assigned to me.

TAMING THE UNTAMED - RAYNE A.Where stories live. Discover now