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As we leave the room where that witch has taken me, I am now with these little kids. Rayne's little brother is gentle and caring, as he made sure that I would not fall on my face because I couldn't still walk straight because of my head throbbing.

"Can we stop here?" I called their attention. Glancing at the open area, where there's a bench and well in it, "Are you sure you don't want to get in the infirmary?" The girl questioned me, and I answered with a soft smile.

"Alright." They conceded upon my request, and we just went to the benches and sat there. I inhaled the fresh air I could before exhaling it, looking at each of these kids faces. I perceived that they're all in their first years.

"Uh, [your name]—san. I would like to introduce you to Dot." Finn introduces his friend, who has red, spiky hair. We're almost the same in height, and he seems nosy to me. "And this Lemon." He continued referring to the only girl who was with them. Lemon smiled and reached for my hand to shake it.

"And this is Mash Burnedead." My eyes met this kid's eyes. He's munching his cream puff with a stoic expression plastered on his face. It was the boy I met in the forest. So it was him.

"I met you before." Mash acknowledged our sudden meeting out in the forest. "Yeah, I guess." I answered him shortly before getting to relax on my back.

"So [your name]—san, what happened exactly? And can you tell me who's my brother's lover?" Finn questioned me with so much curiosity that it makes me remember what that witch did.

I got back to our room last night and got the paper that I needed to hand over to Rayne. I noticed that Safira was already sleeping, so I carefully did what I needed to do, trying not to make too many noises. That night was in peace, and I didn't expect that she'd be violent towards me.

In the morning, I woke up before her. I'm preparing myself to get into class. When I'm finishing my preparation, I'm startled by her sudden appearance on my back.

"I told you not to get in the way, right? But what were you doing with Rayne last night!?" She angrily questioned me. Her orbs are flaring jealousy and hatred toward me. "I didn't do anything with your lover; I was there looking for something to eat, but I don't have any, so he offered me food, that's all." I explained to her that that made her even angrier.

"HE OFFERED YOU FOOD!" She shouted, which made me back off a little bit. "You're trying to snatch him away from me, you pesky little whore you are!" She gritted her teeth, saying all those foul words towards me that made my blood boil. I pushed her away and went to grab my cloak, opting to leave her alone.

TAMING THE UNTAMED - RAYNE A.Where stories live. Discover now