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The new day emerged right before me as I was woken up by a light knock coming from the door. I sit down on my bed despite the throbbing pain I received from Orter last night. Remembering our interactions after a year of keeping myself out of his sight.

I pushed myself to get out of bed and go to the door. Contemplating to open it, I wish it would be Rayne so I could explain to him what really happened. Opening the door, a tall and decent-looking woman greeted me.

"Hi, you must be [your name]? I'm Sophina Biblia, a divine visionary. I am assigned to be your companion from now on." I gulped upon hearing her name. She seems less dangerous compared to her sister. "And also, don't be scared. I heard about what my younger sister did, and I apologize on her behalf." She said it in a casual voice, with not a glint of sincerity in it.

"Well, I have to go. I will see you at the end of the class today in the Chamber of Divine Visionary to talk about the task at hand." She talks without dilly-dallying before excusing herself. I'm starting to regret all the words that came out of my mouth now that Rayne is actually going to ignore me from now on.

A sigh escaped my lips, and I smiled bitterly upon remembering all Orter's words and receiving all these bruises in my body. As I made my way to the bathroom to have a quick bath, my thoughts lingered all over. What if I just told Rayne about my situation? What if he's capable of helping me? But what if it's not considering his act of being uptight on himself?

The situation had already erupted uncontrollably. This is why I'm not meant to show vulnerability, but I did to someone who's incapable of seeing it. I swept away my thoughts and finished my preparation today.

I might grab something to eat in town after my errands today. My plan to get a wand is restrained by Orter, so I might give up that plan. My life is this; I don't own my life.

Walking out through the hallway to proceed with my class, I caught a glance of Rayne with his usual face expression while Max was actively talking to him. Max's eyes landed on me as he greeted me, and I'm waiting for Rayne to look at me, but he casually walks out of my sight, ignoring my whole presence.

A sudden pang of pain hurt my chest for unknown reasons. Max's wide smile was gone as he saw the action of his friend. I just smiled at him before continuing my way to my class.

The class went smoothly, with my brain wondering somewhere else. I'm the one who left the class today, and I'm thinking about skipping my last class to avoid Rayne. Don't get me wrong; I just wanted him to be comfortable.

That's right. I won't be attending the last class today, or I might just proceed to the divine visionary's chamber. As I wander around the school, my feet are directed at the very end of the dorm. Near the door where Rayne's office is located, there is another door, and I wonder where it leads. I hold the knob of the door and carefully turn it open. To my surprise, it's not locked. I was welcomed by the soft ground that made me stumble because of the uneven surface.

I immediately sat down when a bunny started sniffing on my face, making me blow out my nose lightly because it somehow makes your nose itchy. The rabbit jumps on my lap, which makes me smile. I played with its soft fur before roaming my eyes around the room, seeing all different cute bunnies eating and hopping around.

And my eyes settled on a figure who casually stared at me, making me flinch in shock and causing me to accidentally throw the rabbit in the air.

Oh no. That's all I thought, thinking how big in trouble I would be if the rabbit hurt itself, got a broken bone, or even died. That thought comes rushing through as I try to move, but unfortunately, my leg cramps forbid me to do so.

My eyes move to Rayne, who saw what happened and instinctively got up from his seat and came rushing towards me, his arm stretched, opting to reach the bunny that I sent in the air.

Well, at least the bunny will be saved, or so I thought. Rayne's body's crushes on me as I was lying on the soft hay and him on top of me. Getting a close look at his features, I can't deny the fact that he's a really good-looking man, blessed by the gods.

His eyes were on the bunny that was above my head before he put his gaze on me. That sight of him making such a move made my face flash red as I felt my ears heat. His attention moved again to the bunny, who hopped away from my head. When he looked back at me, I was inspecting him to get off me, but he stayed on top of me.

"Uh, excuse me. I have to go." I said, trying to avoid his gazes on me as he scanned my face, looking at the bruise I get from Orter's disciplinary. "I have to meet Sophina right now, so please get off of me." I once again asked him, but it only fell on deaf ears.

"Are you messing with me?" Rayne questioned. His eyes were expecting an answer that he wanted for his own feelings, but his question baffled me. "What do you mean?" Answering him with a question makes his new expression a desperation for the answer he wanted.

"You... you show this vulnerable side of yours to me, but..." I cut him off, not allowing him to finish his words, pulling him to the soft ground and making him lay there in silence as he watched my eyes wet in tears. "You see through me." I sobbed. I was wiping away my tears as I felt him move and sit down beside me.

"I have a keen eye and good perception, you know." He said that, which made me laugh. A silence envelopes the both of us as we stay there with the bunnies, peacefully minding their own business.

"Thank you, Rayne." I whispered, and that made him look at me questioningly. "Don't bother yourself anymore; remove me from your sight, just like you did a while ago. I cannot change my fate. Getting yourself involved in me will make your life miserable too." I told her, giving him a faint smile before getting up. He's still on the ground, and I'm standing in front of him.

My eyes are directed at his odd-colored hair, but unconsciously, my fingers reach through the strands of it. His hair is soft and fluffy, just like that of his bunnies. My plan is to leave the place without saying a word when suddenly my attempt to leave is halted when his hand reaches my wrist, holding it, preventing me from taking further steps. My eyes move to his hand, which holds my wrist, and to his eyes. I can't distinguish the looks he has, but his words caught me off guard.

"I refuse it."

░░░░░░end of chapter

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end of chapter

a little peace offering my sweethearts
because of orter's outset and thank you for
reading my story.
it surprisingly reached 1k reads.

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