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On the way to town, I can't help but notice that she's reluctant to get her wand. I'm surprised to hear that she doesn't possess one and that she is her age right now. That explains why she doesn't fight back against Sophina's sister.

"We're here." I announced. She looked up and saw that we were standing in front of a blue door. Her eyes settled on me; hesitantness was visible in her action, but I ignored it and knocked on the door. As it opens, it reveals a small old man with a single eyeglass that is located in his right eye. His face immediately beams with gladness upon seeing my figure.

"Rayne, it's good to see you." He gladly announced as he motioned his arms to let us in. His eyes moved to [your name], who shyly waved her hands at the old man. "Are you getting a new wand today?" He asked, guiding me all the way inside the chamber.

"Yes, but it's not for me. For her." I answered respectfully as I looked at [your name] over my shoulder. "Oh, is that so?" The man was responding.

"You stand over here, young lady." He guided her to the circle, which she skeptically followed. Her eyes went on me as if she's asking if she can do it next time that I chose to ignore, which made her shoulder drop. I found it amusing that I instinctively slapped my face out of the blue, preventing me from forming such a smile, causing the two of them to look at me confused. "Damn it!" I hissed at myself.

"There, there." The old man muttered as he made more adjustments to where [your name] was standing. "And now, extend your arm as if you are attracting the wand in your holds." The man beside me instructed, so she did, and it was not a matter of seconds before a purple-colored haze engulfed her physique. I carefully watch, awaiting for the wand to reach her hand, but the color of the haze is changing, starting from her feet, with a malicious ebony color flaring around her.

"What's going on?" I questioned as I dared to get near her, but the old man forbade me. My eyes are glued to her; she's still standing in the circle with her arm extended, but not until a wand reaches her. Her eyes settled on the wand in front of her before she dropped to the floor. She breathed abnormally as she grappled with her chest, taking as much air as she could.

I rushed toward her and helped her calm down. She's still panting from what happened, so I decided to just let her go until she found solace. My eyes moved to the wand that was lying on the floor in front of us. The wand would rather look differently. Both ends of the wand are formed in a torn branch that holds a crystal, but the other end of the wand is empty, which is odd.

 Both ends of the wand are formed in a torn branch that holds a crystal, but the other end of the wand is empty, which is odd

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[ASSUME THAT [your name]' s wand looks like this. HEHE. I do not own the art, credits to its respectful owner.]

"Rayne." She called, so I immediately helped her get to her feet. Her irises landed on the wand that was on the ground, showing no glint of excitement. What's with her? My eyes widened, and my fast reflexes made me hold her in her waist and grab her away as she stanced on breaking her wand by stepping on it.

"What are you doing?!" I angrily questioned her, letting her go from my hold as she said nothing. I bent down to reach for her wand, but I was stunned and unable to pick it up. That is when [your name] crouched down to reach her wand. Unable to process what had happened, we are now outside the chamber. Light came upon us, carefully setting my gaze on her.

"You said you wanted to know my magic?" Her gaze met my intrusive orbs. She smiled before starting to walk back to the woods, where I had a battle with Margatte Macaroon. The mark of my recent battle in the area is still visible.

I watch her try to find a great area to show me what kind of magic she has, but a seemingly doubtful action is lingering within me, as if it's not a good thing to do right now. When I notice that she is settled, she looks at me before reaching for her wand, which she's hiding in her cloak. I watch her, not trying to miss anything she does.

Her grip tightened in the middle of the wand as the crystal emitted a color of darkness. She then firmly closed her eyes as she pointed her wand to the ground. The crystal started to darken the color it emits even more when the surrounding area started to tremor in response to her wand. A black-looking bubble started to appear everywhere, surrounding us.

My attempt to touch the black-coated bubble with my hand was prevented. "Don't try touching it." My attention turns to Mr. Wahlberg as he carefully watches what is going on. "This is a dark magic." He enunciated as he studied the bubbles, like things floating around the area. A small smile formed on his lips as he fixed his glasses.

"It seems that an intense battle happened around here." The old man beside me analyzed his eyes and settled on [your name]. I gulped from his words before eyeing him as he floated towards [your name], and suddenly the girl's innocent facade was sleeping in the headmaster's arm.

"Be prepared, Rayne." Mr. Wahlberg warned me that it made me tilt my head, trying to regard what was supposed to come when the black-colored bubbles started to blast, making an incredible impact and blowing up on everything whenever it touched.

"Large Partisan!" I cast a spell protecting me from the continuous detonation of [your name]'s magic. When it became silent, I was greeted by the heavy smoke that covered the area. Upon locating Mr. Wahlberg's location, I found him from above, with her in the air. His eyes are still fixed on the panorama below him.

When the smoke depleted, I'm bewildered by the tableau of the event. The whole area is incredibly bad, as the trees are torn down and the ground is covered with holes, crevices, and cracks. She has amassed such power, yet she's a single-liner?

"What do you think of this, Rayne? What kind of power does this girl possess? What will it bring into this world?" Mr. Wahlberg asks as he stands beside me, looking at the girl who is peacefully asleep in her arms.

"Are you be able to unfold the enigma beholding her semblance?"

"Are you be able to unfold the enigma beholding her semblance?"

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end of chapter

TAMING THE UNTAMED - RAYNE A.Where stories live. Discover now