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"The two of you have gotten so close lately." That voice sent shivers down my spine. The moment the door closed, her magic reached my neck, pulling me towards her, but a certain distance was between us as she wanted me to face her. I tried to grasp the black thing that wrapped around my neck and made her chuckle.

"Liquid isn't easy to hold. My ink magic is one of them." She smirked as she threw me off the floor. I continued coughing, trying to collect the oxygen I had lost from her.

"I can't be violent towards you right now because I'm very, very happy." She uttered something that made me look at her and see how pleased she was. "But remember what I told you last time?" Her emotions swiftly switched as she gazed at me dead in the eye, which made me gulp.

"Don't go near him. That's right!" She suddenly raised her voice as she glanced down on my pathetic figure on the floor of our room. "But what did you do?" You kissed Rayne!" Her voice is louder than before, which rang in the four corners of this room.

"His first kiss was supposed to be me, but you ruined that." She grits in anger. "I want you gone so bad." She continued and sat down on her bed, crossing her legs as she laid her eyes on me again, placing her chin on her hand. I remained so silent that I could only hear my heartbeat.

"You like him, do you?" She questioned me, which made me raise my head and meet her eyes. I didn't respond to her question because I had never thought about it. I might be slightly feeling weird when I'm with him, I may feel safe and protected when he's around, but I didn't know that meant anything like liking him.

"You're pathetic." My thoughts were abrupted by her laughter, which made me tilt my head while trying to figure out why she said those words.

"Stop your delusions, [your name]. You can't like Rayne forever, not now that we're getting married." Huh? Married? My iris slowly met her eyes, which shows euphoria. I didn't know how to react, but my heart does hurt unbearably.

If he's getting married, why does he show such affection? What is his purpose for doing that? Or do those actions mean nothing?

"But Finn said that you're not Rayne's lover." My trembling lips manage to question her. I wanted to know the veracity of this situation and what I'm acquiring it for. It's not about me liking Rayne, but do I really not?

"Who cares about that kid? This is about Rayne and me. That's all, so get that through your head." She scoffed before getting up from her bed. "If you don't believe me, then on Friday. I'll prove it to you." She said she was smirking before walking to the door when someone knocked.

"Rayne!" Safira called the person about whom we're just talking. I don't know, but my heart fluctuates upon hearing his name, and pain comes after it. Not knowing what to do, I immediately get up on my feet, lay down on my bed, cover my body with my quilt, and pretend to be asleep.

TAMING THE UNTAMED - RAYNE A.Where stories live. Discover now