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"I will get my hands on you, my precious one." After those words left this girl's mouth, her body fell to the ground as everyone witnessed the scene. It immediately caused panic. A surge of emotion suddenly charged at me when [your name]'s body almost fell to the ground too.

Anger and fear are all over me as I see her horrified face because she perceives such terror. It could be Innocent Zero, but why is he targeting her? "[your name]." I called her but got no response, she fainted. "I need help over here." I enunciated that everyone is taking notice of the event, but no one is coming for help. They only continue with their chatter and business.

"I SAID I NEED HELP OVER HERE!" I yelled, and along with that are my partisans plunging on the ground, causing more scenes. Damn it. Silence engulfed the area, and I could feel the shock and terrified reaction from the students.

"Great! Rayne, you made it difficult again." There is Sophina with her sarcastic remark upon what she saw. She eyed [your name]'s body before calling someone to attend to the situation.

"Big brother!" Finn rushes towards him as he worriedly checks on [your name], and behind him are his friends asking what happened. I cannot answer them because my worries are with her. A moment passed, and the bureau of investigation came and retrieved the girl after they checked on her medically.

The nurse who tended to [your name] last time crouch down to check on her pulse. "Her pulse is unstable, it's probably because of panic." She said. She told me to bring [your name] to the infirmary to rest and observe her. "I'll go with you." Max said as he trailed behind me while I carried [your name].

"Do you like her?" My eyes shifted to Max because of his nonsense question, but I can't seem to answer. "No." I said, but my response made him laugh, making me appear untrustworthy.

"Oh, come on, Rayne. We've been friends and roommates since then." He chuckled, which I dismissed as I pushed him lightly, glancing at [your name's] frowning face.

Reaching the infirmary, I gently lay her down on the bed and place a quilt on her. Max and I waited patiently there, as I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

She's pretty. Those little lips of hers are mesmerizing. Mesmerizing? "Rayne, you're as red as a tomato. Do you have a fever?" Max asked with concern, which I immediately denied and turned around. Those lips of her kissed me on the forehead that bothered me all night, making me unable to sleep, and having this playful Max bully me about my dark circles in my eyes.

"I told you. You like her, you're blushing." Max was teasing me.

"I said, no!"

TAMING THE UNTAMED - RAYNE A.Where stories live. Discover now