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Standing in front of this huge door, hesitation is pulling me away. I harshly exhaled, ignoring the contemplation I had. I pushed the door open as I was greeted by a heavy atmosphere. It seems that the divine visionaries are here, and here I am gaining so much attention as if I were a star.

"Oh, isn't that Rayne's girl?" A man with a scar on his cheek acknowledges me, but why was I referred to as Rayne's girl? Is he crazy? "No, she's not. She's here to work under me." Sophina answered directly as she planted her gaze on me. In her back is a tall figure that I avoided looking at and entering the room.

"Over here." Sophina demanded that I get near her, but my feet don't want to obey. I feel the tremor in my legs as I push myself to walk near her. I just want to be shackled and hidden right now. "Can you hurry up?" Irritation mingled in her voice. I nodded and looked down on my feet, taking another step, but ceased when the door on my right side swung open, revealing Rayne with Mr. Wahlberg.

Rayne's gaze immediately landed on my shaking stature and rushed to my side. "Are you alright?" He whispered that I answered with a nod, diverting my gaze at Mr. Wahlberg, who seemed not pleased by the expression of his face.

"What is this decision that Rayne is replaced as [your names] sentinel in her endeavors in our academy?" The headmaster started as he carefully watched everyone's movements, even me. "Who declared it?" He once again questioned.

"It was me." Orter talked, which made me step back, making Rayne look at me. "It came out of [your name]'s mouth too that she wanted Rayne to be replaced. Isn't that right, [your name]?" I can feel everyone's eyes on me, waiting for my response, but I don't have the power to talk over his authoritative voice.

"You make her say that against her will." I raised my head and looked at Rayne from his side. All I can see is the side of his visage emanating beauty. I was disrupted by Orter's laugh as I looked on the ground again. "Why don't we hear it from her?" He said he was really digging through me. I wanted to go. I wanted to vanish right now.

In the end, I refused to answer. I would rather take all the torment than have someone else suffer on my behalf and deal with Orter's authority. "It's true, that mean guy made [your name] say it that night." I immediately looked around to see who said those words.

"Finn." I gasped as I ran towards him, asking him to take away what he just said, but he ignored me. I fussed towards him, but he stood firm on his words. Fear starts to enshroud my being. I could feel his gaze piercing through me as I attempted to leave, but then, in a blink of an eye, Rayne was beside me. "It's Finn's magic." He talks.

"Now that I know what I need, I wanted to let everyone know that this pairing was made accordingly. It's not changeable and forgeable by threats and power." Mr. Wahlberg enunciated his dominion over his position as headmaster.

"And Sophina, I would like to see your sister regarding the violence she executed towards [your name]." Mr. Wahlberg stated this as his eyes reached Sophina, who agreed. After that, he dismissed us all, leaving me, Rayne, and his little brother Finn.

I'm struggling to grasp the situation I am in right now until Finn comes towards me. "Why are you scared of him?" He asked, which made me look at him sternly, not minding his brother's gaze at me. "You don't know what that person can do." I answered him directly, which made him look at his brother before gazing back at me. There's so many things that can happen because of this little event; it could be worse.

"I have to go now." Finn announces, then silently exits the room, leaving only me and Rayne, who is still silent. I wanted to go as well, but I can't make a decision on what I need to do now. Now that things have become more complicated, "Let's go." My orbs landed at Rayne, who strides towards the door.

"To where?" I answered him; confusion is plastered on my face. "To start your requisites, Let's start with the training. I need to know what magic you have." He mouthed. "I can't." I answered him shortly, which confused him as well.

"Why?" He was determined to get a response from me; that's why I looked away as I started to pout. He started to get irritated as he asked again. "Because I don't possess a wand." I answered honestly, looking down at my hands and clasping them together. He was silent for what he heard, as if he realized something before he came to where I'm standing and held me in his arm, pulling me softly.

"Let's get you one, then."

░░░░░░end of chapter

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end of chapter

TAMING THE UNTAMED - RAYNE A.Where stories live. Discover now