01: Elaina Devlin Ermaneau

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"Bye... don't come over too soon, alright?"

Those were the last words Mabel said as she took her last breath and passed away. Aidan held her hand while quietly sobbing.

"Mother?" Alastor said hoping she was still there.

Aidan got up and looked at Alastor.

"Its ok Alastor. People have to die once in their life." Aidan said while a tear left his eye.

Alastor also got up and said,"I have to protect Elaina, no matter what."

Aidan sighed and looked at Madam Larimah.

"We need to... arrange for the funeral for Mabel." Aidan said while Madam Larimah nodded.

Madam Larimah then left the room leaving Aidan and Alastor still devasted.

"I have to speak with Elaina for a bit so you can tag along if you want." Aidan said while patting Alastor's back.

Alastor just shook his head as a sign for 'no'.

"Alright then." Aidan said and left the room.


Elaina was sitting on her chair, she was reading the novel she got as a birthday gift from Alastor.

She then heard a knock on the door.
She went to open it to reveal Aidan with a solemn look on his face.

"Elaina, do you have a minute?" He asked while staring at Elaina.

"Yeah, sure." She said and let Aidan enter her room.

Both of them sat on the bed and started talking.

"Elaina, did you know about Mother's sickness?" Aidan asked.

"Yeah, I did." Elaina replied with a small smile.

Aidan stayed quiet for a moment then he was about to speak when Elaina continued.

"I know father. I looked into the future." Elaina said not fazed.

"You... looked into the future but, how?" Aidan said surprised at her statement.

"I sometimes get these images in my head and don't really bother about them. But then they end up true. So I theorized that I have the ability to predict the future." She said reassuring Aidan.

"So... I guess... I should get going now. I have to prepare for the funeral for your mother." Aidan said as he got up from her bed and left the room.

Suddenly Elaina got up from her bed and fell down on knees. It seemed like her knees couldn't take the impact of her mother's death.

"I just want the ground to open up and swallow me whole." She mumbled to herself while quietly sobbing.


All of Mabel's relatives and the royal families had come to her funeral.

Then the prayers began, Esteban began speaking.

"With great honour of the deceased Empress, Mabel Gardenia Ermaneau.
She was a person with confidence, she led all the people of this kingdom with great effort. However she was overworked and that's how she got the sickness. But she didn't die in vain, she died in honour of all the members of the House of Gardenia, and all of Ermaneau. She will always be in everybody's hearts. May she...
rest in peace."


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