23: Let's save Easton!

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The students started panicking at the sight of the giant monster.

"What is that!?"

"Is that a monster!?"

"You're kidding me!"

"Hey, its headed our way!"

"Is it trying to destroy our school!?"

Love was hanging on to Abel for dear life while being speechless.

"Lord Abel. That is..." Abyss trailed off.

"Innocent Zero." Abel completed his sentence.

"I hope they're hanging in there. Why does this have to happen just two days before my birthday?"

Elaina was still defending the students from the huge rocks.

(Cut scene)

"Help me. Big brother!" Anna exclaimed.

"Graviole!" Lance cast a spell and the rocks stopped midway.

"You always give me power, Anna." Lance said smiling.

"What was that cut scene just now? Did I just see one of your fantasies? Me? Freaky!" Dot freaked out.

"Sounds Re!" Margaret jerked their wand as sound notations knocked out the huge rocks.

"Hurry, get out of here!" They commanded the students to get out as danger was rising.

The students rushed to the exit in a panicked state.

"All of them are panicking. This is NOT good."

The monster stepped on the walls to get closer to the school. It got closer.

"We can't win against a monster like that." Finn said.

"Mash! Where are you? Mash!?" Lemon exclaimed while trying to find Mash.

"No matter how big this thing is..." Dot cast a spell,"Explomb!" He sent fireballs flying at the monster but they were nullified by a barrier.

"It really pulled that barrier outta nowhere." Dot deadpanned.

"That's a magic-nullifying barrier." Kaldo blurted out as he walked towards Dot.

"What? You mean the barrier which protected that black thorny guy." Dot recalled when Orter attacked Cell, but his magic got nullified.

"Yes. One of Innocent Zero's casters who put that thing up should be around here somewhere. If we don't defeat them. Magic won't work against that thing." Kaldo said as he held his chin. He removed his hand from his chin and continued,"Orter is after them right now. But I'm sure they're deftly hiding."

"There's nothing we can do right now, so I'm going to join the investigation." Kaldo said, as he ran off.

"M-Me too!" Dot said, running after him.

"Both of them are gone. At present we currently only have Margaret and Lance. And I'm sure that Abel and Abyss haven't fully grasped the situation. That means... I'M ALL BY MYSELF!!"

The giant monster kept its attacks coming as Margaret and Lance were brutally destroying them.

"I guess I should just..." Elaina trailed off as a huge rock was about to fall on top of the students including Abel, Abyss and Love. She quickly rushed over to them and projected out one of her hands to defend them from the rocks.

 She quickly rushed over to them and projected out one of her hands to defend them from the rocks

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