05: Abyss Razor

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Elaina had a pretty soft landing on the floor. Meanwhile Mash bounced on the floor.


Elaina got up and went up the Mash to make sure he was ok.

"You ok, Mash?" Elaina asked.

"I'm fine." Mash said as he got up and looked around.

"Huh? Where is everyone?" He asked.

"They probably went somewhere else." Elaina replied.

Suddenly a voice spoke,"Did you get separated from your friends?"

A line of torches then lit up revealing a masked guy.

"Isn't he..."

"You're from the other day." Mash recalled the day when they were cleaning owl huts.

"It has been a while... Your imperial highness." He placed his hand on his chest and bowed a bit.

"Come to think of it I had not introduced myself yet." He said.

"This guy."

"I'm the second fang of the Magia Lupus, Abyss Razor." He introduced himself.

"I hope you remember me, Your imperial highness." He said.

"How could I forget you?" Elaina said with a smirk on her face.

He then shifted his gaze to Mash.

"About how you moved the other day... it was quite impressive." He said recalling the moment Mash sneaked up to him at incredible speed.

"Oh, um. Thanks."

"I noticed it back then. You're unable to use magic right?" He said sending chills down Elaina's spine.


"Huh? Th-th-that's not necessarily t-t-true." Mash was being too obvious.

"You seem a little agitated." Abyss spoke.

"Wh-what makes you th-think that?" Mash stutured.

"Boy, how come you can't lie."

"I'm not." Mash admitted.


"You don't have to worry. Just like you I'm someone abhorred by this world."
Abyss reassured Mash.

Suddenly Elaina saw an image where
Abyss was sobbing in a corner and his parents yelling at themselves for giving birth to him as Abyss was born with the Evil eye.

Elaina had a solemn look on her face after she saw that.

"You must have your reasons for being here." Abyss said then pulled out a sword pointing it at Mash.

"But, I too, have my reasons." Abyss spoke again.

"Huh? You sound like you're planning to defeat me. I'll beat the stuffing out of you with my first. With all I've got." Mash said taking a fighting stance.

He then looked over at Elaina and said, "Your imperial highness, you should stand back. I'll defeat this guy."


"He's right. Please do not interfere with our duel, Your imperial highness." Abyss agreed with Mash.

"Are they for real!?"

"Alright." Elaina said stepping back.

"Well, let's just see how this goes. Abyss Razor, born with the Evil eye, or Mash Burnedead, the no-magic boy."

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