18: Divine Visionary Candidate Exam

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Mash entered the battle field, full of determination.

The students started to whisper and murmur amongst themselves.

"Hey. That Mash guy..."

"Isn't he the one who can't use magic?"

"If that's true, him being in the selection exam is unprecedented."

A student suddenly got up and yelled,"This is no place for you!"

"Go home!"

"That's right. Go home!"

"Go home! Go home!" The students began chanting.

"It really irritates me..."

"Come on! Someone like him might ruin the prestige of Divine Visionaries. What do you say, admins!?" One of the students taking part in the exams spoke.

"Bunch of bullies." Dot remarked.

"Mash earned the right to be here by earning coins." Finn said.

"His entire life is riding on the results of this exam. Mash must be under incredible pressure. I should be encouraging."

Elaina was furious at the sight of everyone bullying Mash.

She suddenly spoke up,"Hey! Do you even realise who's standing here?

Silence erupted in the entire field.

Mr. Wahlberg was amused to see this.
"Ho ho. What incredible use of power." He remarked.

"We shouldn't have messed with Her imperial highness..."


"After all, she can do anything she wants, even if it means stopping the exams right here."

The students were whispering amongst themselves.

"I'm actually glad I was born a princess."

Abyss just stared at her in shock.

Abel suddenly spoke up,"Good thing you did that, Your imperial highness, or else they would've kept calling him out."

"Its my job, Abel." Elaina smiled.

"As expected from our Princess!!" Love exclaimed.

"We will now begin the final exam! The final exam is a one on one battle!" The announcer girl said through the mic.

"The rules are simple. You win if your opponent gives up it passes out. Let's start the first matchup!" She continued.

"Adler dorm, first year. With seven gold coins, the most out of any candidate... Mash Burnedead!"

Mash walked in as the audience cheered.

"Opposing him in Orca dorm, who acquired five coins... Margaret Macaron!"

They walked in with an amused smile.

The audience cheered at the top of their lungs as Mash and Margaret had a staring contest.

"I'm terribly sorry, but you won't be able to go any further." Margaret put their palm on their face and continued,"You should fullfil your destiny of amusing me... Mash Burnedead."

"That's quite absurd." Mash commented.

"Now, for our first match..." The announcer girl trailed off to see Mash pull out something from his robe pocket.

"Oh hold on a sec." He pulled out a creampuff.

"I need to replenish calories before my workout." He said.

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