13: Celebration (not really)

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Elaina, Mash and Finn were in the corridor talking about last night's saga.

"Man, we somehow pulled that off the other day." Mash said wiping off the sweat on his forehead.

"Time for our victory celebration after school." He said talking about the party.

"We pulled it off?" Finn said recalling last night.


"I saw everything! I'm telling the teachers! You can't use magic!" The student threatened to tell the teachers about Mash.

"You won't." Elaina said as teleported in front of the boy and said,"As long as I'm here. You can't do anything. Understand?" She started threatening him.

"S-sure." The boy was shocked.


"I just threatened him. But he probably told a few people about it." Elaina said.

"We have to do something before it-" Finn was cut off by a student.

"Hey, Mash Burnedead!" The student called out.

"Is it true you can't use magic?" He asked as he approached the trio.

Finn turned backwards and held his head.

"We're ruined already!"

"And who told you that?" Elaina said furrowing her eye brows.

"I can."

"I can. Use magic."

"I can... use magic..."

"I can... use magic..."

"What is he? A broken record?" The student asked out of curiosity.

"The practise we had afterwards is paying off. Yes!"

"I can... use magic..." Mash kept on repeating the same thing over and over again as steam began to flow out of his head.

"Don't lie, man. The rumours are going around. It's a huge deal!" The student spoke again.

"Let's go, Mash." Finn said as he grabbed Mash by the back of his collar.

"Blub, blub, blub, blub..."

Elaina followed behind Mash.

"Hey, Finn. Protecting a non-magic user will make you a criminal as well. Or maybe even Her imperial highness will be called a criminal as well."

Those words made Finn and Elaina halt in their steps.

"If you make a fake report, you guys might get expelled at the worst." He said.

"So, Finn... fess up. Mash can't use magic, right?"

"Are you gonna lie, Finn?"

"What's the point in protecting the magic less blight-blood, Your imperial highness?"

"Shut the fvck up." Elaina said she looked over at the student.

"Who we hang out with is none of your buisness!" Finn said as he turned around to face the boy.

Unfortunately, Lance had used his magic to make the boy fall face first on the floor.

Unfortunately, Lance had used his magic to make the boy fall face first on the floor

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