26: Walkis candidates

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The candidate from Saint Ars collapsed onto the floor while coughing blood.

Mash approached the boy quickly,"Are you okay?" He was full of concern.

"Candidate of Easton... We of Saint Ars have fallen to them... They even cast a curse upon our families... We never intended to give them out seats, but we have chosen our families over, our pride at school." He explained the whole situation.

"Truly brutal. I can't believe a person would go that far with cursing their families..."

"We've disgraced ourselves." The boy gripped on Mash's arm,"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!" He apologized.

"Please, defeat them. They... can't be allowed to represent us at the top." The boy concluded.

"I don't like liars." Lévis announced.

"And those are all dirty lies. Coming here and talking about school pride while apologising. Makes you look pretty good doesn't it?" He said as he pointed his index finger downwards.

"But quitting to protect your family? That's weak! I'd never do that... If you aren't ready to fight... Then step down chump!" He attacked the boy. Blood came out from his back.

Mash, Lance and Dot took their fighting stance.

Suddenly something trapped Lance and Dot inside it, leaving Mash all alone on the surface.

"Separate them one by one! While the six of us go on a bloody rampage! Get 'im!" Lévis commanded.

Huge magnet thingys were closing in on Mash.

"Mash!!" Finn and Lemon yelled in unison.

The smoke cleared off.

"That's one down..." Lévis grinned.

Until he noticed that Mash hadn't taken the damage, instead a giant puppet protected Mash.

"The Marioness Harm puppet!" Elaina said.

"Six versus one doesn't seem fair..." A voice trailed off.

Lévis looked back,"Huh?"

"It can't be..." Finn trailed off, he was also surprised.

"What do you think..." The voice became more clearer this time.

"O-Oh my..." Mash was surprised.

Abel, Abyss and Margaret entered the hall.

"Mother?" Abel asked the doll in his hands.

"He still talks to his doll." Mash commented, covering his mouth.

"The three of us will join on Easton's side. We don't have the qualifications to become a Visionary. We're just here to support and represent our school. It wouldn't be fair otherwise." Abel announced.

"Who the hell are you guys?" Galuf asked.

"Ho ho. You mean us? We're Mash Burnedead's fam." Margaret replied.

"No." Mash denied.

"Y'all are fam, eh? Oh. I like that." Galuf said.

"We're familiar but we're not fam." Mash deadpanned.

"If you say you're his buddies, you'll be the first to die!" Galuf said, he was ready to attack Margaret any moment now.

"Ready!? You hacks!!" With that he leaped forward to attack Margaret.

The students jolted.

"Galuf, wait." Domina warned.

Margaret jerked his wand upwards, making Galuf unable to attack him. Blood splattered from his back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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