19: Innocent Zero

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"Mash Burnedead will become a beacon of hope for this world." Wahlberg said as two lines carved down his face, a strong magical aura surrounding him.

"If you want to take him no matter the cost, then you will have to go through me." He said.

"Its been decades..." Innocent Zero trailed off as two lines carved down his face,"since we crossed wands." He completed.

Both of their wands changed shapes, revealing their true form.

"Summon Uranus!"

"Summon Chronos."

Suddenly, demons started emerging from the ground.

Wahlberg was stunned to see this.

"I have no need of anyone except Mash Burnedead and Her Imperial highness. I shall dispose all of you now." Innocent Zero said.

Wahlberg activated his magic to let a few students deal with the demons.

Mash, Margaret, Kaldo, Orter, Lance, Dot and Elaina were freed from Innocent Zero's time stopping magic.

"I will explain everything later
Those who can move, deal with the demons." Wahlberg allowed them to take care of the demons on the ground.

" Wahlberg allowed them to take care of the demons on the ground

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((A/N: imagine Elaina between Mash and Dot))

"I will deal with Innocent Zero." Wahlberg moved his wand to command the students to attack the demons,"I trust you with the students." He said as Mash nodded.

Elaina looked over at Abyss, she caressed his cheek and said,"I'll be fine, don't worry." She quickly teleported to the ground to deal with the demons.

"Sounds fa!" Margaret cast a spell.

Dot and Lance quickly got down to the battlefield.

"Explomb!" Dot cast a spell, a huge fire wiped out some of the demons.

"Graviole." Lance crushed the demons down to the ground with a strong gravitational pull.

Both of them got closer to each other to cover each other's backs.

"What are these things?" Lance asked.

"I get that we're in terrible danger and I know that we're in terrible danger." Dot complained.

Kaldo was running through an army of demons.

"Innocent Zero. I must hurry to assist Mr. Wahlberg."

Kaldo attacked a demon with his sword, but it didn't pierce through.

"So tough. Then..."

Kaldo's sword enhanced with black flames and it slashed through the demon.

A few demons were about to attack Kaldo from behind when sand spears pierced through them knocking them out.

Orter came from behind. "Each and every one of them has the power to be a double liner." He said.

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