07: Abel Walker

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Mash kicked the door open to find Abel.

Abel looked like he was staring into Elaina's soul. Which of course sent chills down her spine.

"To be honest, you surprised me. Abyss. I thought Rayne was the only student capable of facing his Evil eye.
You're no better magic user than Rayne, a Divine visionary. Could it be that.." Abel said.

His words made veins throb in Elaina's temple.

"What's wrong so suddenly?" Abel asked as Mash gasped.

"No it's nothing. Please go on." Mash reassured.

"In any case, you seem quite capable." Abel said and Mash sighed in relief.

"Which is why, someone superior like you should understand, that this world does not treat everyone equally, I mentioned your beastly nature's to you once before. I can't abide by inferior genes. They're on the receiving end, yet they take advantage of our kindness. And they selfishly assert their rights. Audacious, is it not? We don't need to burden ourselves with useless luggage." Abel said while his gaze was fixed on Elaina.

Somehow though, Elaina could relate with Abel's every word.

"Um, so that means people who can't use magic..." Mash trailed off.

"Yes that's right." Abel replied.

"We must dispose of them."


"Merely segreting them from society is too kind. I will change that system.
This includes under achievers, people who shelter the weak." Abel said.

"Those sheltering..." Mash trailed off.


"Mash, you really are a good, honest boy." Mash's pops said.

Suddenly Mash did a double back somersault.

"What? A double back somersault at this age!?" Exclaimed his pops.

"Here have my creampuff and..." Mash's pops trailed off.

Mash emerged from under the table and ate the creampuff.

"He's eating before I told him to!" His pops chuckled.

"Mash, I'm so proud of you, my son."
His pops said as he close eyes smiled.


"Okay I understand. Your way is kind of a problem for me so I don't think we can become friends." Mash said with a serious time.

"I see, so you cannot understand. How about you, Your imperial highness?" Abel said shifting his gaze to Elaina.

"You should understand right? After all, you went through the same thing." His face darkened.

"I have to agree with Mash on this one. Sorry if I caused emotional damage." Elaina said with a smirk.

"I see. But inferior genes must be eradicated." Abel said.

Suddenly several puppets rained down on Mash and Elaina.


Love was walking through the corridor. She was humming a song.

"Phew, I sure worked hard today."

She noticed a door broken so she commented,"Huh? Its kinda broken."

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