04: The Magia Lupus

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A few days had passed and everything was going smoothly.

Elaina became friends with Mash, Finn, Lance, Dott and Lemon everything was going perfectly.

Elaina was in her room as usual reading a novel when she heard wood creaking sounds.

She got out of her room when she felt an arm grab her wrist. The person made her follow them and they went towards a wall to hide.

"Who- oh Mash it's you. You didn't have to scare me like that." Elaina said.

"Shh. Don't talk right now." Mash whispered.

Elaina gave him a thumbs up.

"That's magic alright." Lance commented on Lemon's clone behaviour.

"Wait, she's going somewhere." Finn said looking out.

"We gotta chase her." Mash said as he started running.

Then all of them followed him.

"She turned that corner." Finn said pointing at the direction she went.

The five kept running until they met with a dead end.

"She's gone." Dot said.

"You're kidding right? This is a dead end!" Dot exclaimed.

"Wait.. do you hear something?" Finn asked.

"Huh I don't hear anything." Dot said.

"I do hear something like the sound of wood creaking!" Finn exclaimed terrified.

"Don't spout random bull..." Dot trailed off as he heard the same sound.

"Wait I hear it too."

"LEMON!!" Finn and Dot shoutout while hugging Mash.

Elaina knelt down and closed her eyes to look into the past.

An image of Lemon's, clone entering a basement door flashed into her mind.

"Here." Elaina pointed then looked at Lance.

"Right." Lance nodded.

"Stay calm it's just a spell." Lance reassured.

"Disclose." Lance casted a spell and an outline of the basement door flashed and the door appeared.

"What the hell?" Dot commented.

"A d-door." Finn stutured.

Lance took back his wand and spoke,"Revealing the door is as far as my magic goes."

"So we need another special spell to open it." Finn said.

Dot took out his wand and jerked it towards the door.

"Machine gun explomb!" He casted a spell but it had no effect.

"Damn thing won't open! What are we supposed to do with it?" Dot exclaimed frustrated.

"Don't worry, I know something special." Elaina reassured them.

"Something special?" Finn shifted his gaze to Elaina.

"Yeah, it's one if my divine powers."
Elaina said while placing her hand on the large door and closing her eyes.


The large metal door opened in an instant.

"Way to go Your imperial highness!"
Dot exclaimed.

"Its nothing." Elaina said.

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