12: Cell War

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"What's the meaning of this, Abel?"
Corpse asked.

"I'm seeing for myself what is righteous with my own hands. Abel replied.

"Hmph. I see." Corpse said.

"Carbo heavy rain!" Corpse jerked his wand.

The carbo spears pierced through the harm puppet completely destroying it.

"Too bad. You can't win with this type of magic." Corpse was about to continue when suddenly Mash appeared from inside the harm puppet.

He approached Corpse.

"Hey there." He greeted him.

He sent a punch flying right into Corpse's face which sent him stumbling back.

"You're the first to break through my rigid epidermis. Even though I was caught off guard." He removed his rigid epidermis from his face.

"What magic did you use?" Corpse asked.



"I'm asking what your personal magic is."

"Um... uh... Power."


"Such magic exists?"

"Hmph. So you're refusing to answer me." Corpse said.

"Whatever." He said as he took something out.

"That's..." Dott trailed off.

"The spellefection mirror!" Dot said knowing what the item was.

"A powerful magical item that reflects any and every spell cast its way! And the stronger the spell, the more fearsome the mirror makes it! "
Dot blurted out.

"The most feared magical item that makes every magic user cower in terror." Dot spoke again.

"I thought the Bureau of Magic was guarding it. So why..." He trailed off and started speaking again,"Mash, don't! We magic users don't stand a chance against that thing! It'll send your spells back at you!"

"You're gonna be good as dead!"

"Things are gonna take a wild turn if Mash attacks that corpse. I'm assuming none of the magic users except me and Abyss know about Mash's secret."

"Should I stop him? But, he's the only one who can battle that corpse right now."

"Even if I use my divine powers, it's gonna reflect back at me."

Corpse lifted the mirror slightly, covering his face.

"That's because you got in my way. I'll make all of you regret it." Corpse said amusingly.

"Now, come on, use your magic."
He commanded Mash to use his magic.

"You can fall to your ruin with your own magical power... if you can even do-" He was cut off by Mash kicking him through the mirror.

 if you can even do-" He was cut off by Mash kicking him through the mirror

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