25: The final stage

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Elaina opened her eyes in a dark room. There were no lights, just darkness.
She began looking around, there was nothing there. It was a void.

"Hello? Anybody there?" She called, her voice echoed.

She suddenly felt hands on both her shoulders. She caught the jitters.

"Isn't it wonderful?" A voice whispered in Elaina's ear.

"You get to be a part of me, the perfect human, the immortal human." The voice spoke again.

Elaina turned around to see but no one was there.

The voice spoke out of nowhere,"I will make you mine. You can't escape. You will fall into my hands, even before you know it."

Elaina looked around to search for the person but she didn't see anyone.

The ground opened up beneath Elaina and took her down into the depths of the void.

Elaina woke up with a gasp.


Word had spread about Elaina becoming Empress. Though it meant now she had to do all the things the Emperors do, Aidan would take care of everything.

The newspaper man spread all the posters about her promotion.

People were super stunned at the texts that some of them even passed out.

"Empress Elaina will still be able to attend school as always. Emperor Aidan will engage in the country's affairs." One of the people read from the poster.

"So she's just Empress in name?" The other man said.

"Yeah, that's how it is said in the newspapers though." The other man replied.

Back at Easton, Elaina walked down the corridor. The students gave her a few stares before greeting,"Good morning, Your Majesty!"

Elaina looked back at them with a tired face,"Good morning..."

She turned around and walked away before drawing anymore attention.

"Its only a matter of time until this country collapses." She mumbled to herself quietly.

She suddenly bumped into somebody

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She suddenly bumped into somebody. She looked up at the person, it was Abyss.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't see you there." Elaina apologised.

"No problem." Abyss quickly replied.

"So um. Where are the others?" Elaina asked.

"They're at the final examination. I was just heading towards there to watch." Abyss replied.

"Oh, I see. Well, let's go together then." Elaina said.

"Yeah." Abyss gave her a nod.

They walked down the corridor, Elaina received a lot of stares.

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