08: Deal with the puppets!

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Mash was now a puppet for Abel.

He made Mash strangle himself to death.

The strings detached and Mash was finally free.

"What was that?" Mash asked as he looked at his hands.

Now Abel wanted to do the same with Elaina.

Elaina was about to slap herself when she stopped her hand.


"Sorry. That was just too one-sided. It lacks class." Abel apologised.

"This guy's worrying about class now!?"

Veins throbbed in Elaina's temple.

Suddenly wood creaking sounds could be heard.

Both of them turned around to see Finn's puppet.


His puppet approached them with two big axes.

"This is your friend right? I captured him thinking he'd make good entertainment." Abel said as Finn's puppet stopped approaching them.

"Fan of drama, huh?" Elaina commented on Abel's words.

"Your spiky-haired friend was too badly injured to be useful." Abel said.

"I'm looking forward to an entertaining show." Abel commanded Finn's puppet to attack Mash it did just that.

Mash and Elaina doged the attack.

"Using a human as a puppet. You really haven't gotten out of your childhood it seems." Elaina said sarcastically.

"How dare you insult someone elder than you?" Abel said. He was now angry at Elaina's words.

"Also, did I say you could raise a hand against him?" He said as Elaina's and Mash's eyes widened.

"I'm sorry. But you're not allowed to attack." Abel said forbiding them to attack Finn's puppet.

"If you break the rules, I'll break your friend apart." Abel said.

"I see, so that's the way you play." Mash said.

"Alright. Challenge accepted." Elaina said as she used her magic to enhance her physical strength.

"You can break your friend apart if you'd like." Abel said allowing them to break Finn apart.

"If you don't, you'll be the one who breaks."

Finn started running and approached them at full speed.

He attacked Mash and Elaina but they didn't feel anything because of their physical strength.

"You can't do that?"

"You can't choose to sacrifice?"

Finn kept attacking.

"Humans always want to believe they are good."

"But I'm saying that's a lie."

Finn sent Mash flying and his next target was Elaina but she dodged it real quick.

Mash stood up.

Abel was shocked to see the axe Finn was holding broken.

"Seems like the axe broke first."

"It kinda sounds like... you think you're a pretty deep person, huh?"
Mash deadpanned.


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