chapter 4

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Hyunjin pov

"I'm just curious about you hyunjin. Are your paintings as pretty as you??"

What should I say for that? That No my paintings are prettier than me? What the hell? Who would actually say that?

"Why the hell would you compare me with my own paintings? You're so weird" I deadpanned him.

"I dunno it was my first thought... I don't think a painting like that exists" Felix said smiling at me while slicking his glossy dark black hair back with his fingers. Somehow that action is hot, really hot.

"You are sure Minho's brother. At least he only flirts with me other than yeji but seeing you flirting with me just after meeting one day. You are so different from him" I said while looking away from felix.

Felix chuckled and said "I'm only stating facts. I don't know how to flirt. You can ask channie hyung, seungmin they're my best friends. I only speak honestly. You know the first time I met seungmin as Chan's boyfriend, I said he looked like puppy and his voice is so smooth. I complimented him so much that Chan had to drag me away from him. Good thing seungmin is indifferent and unbothered. He wasn't scared like most of the people would be. When I like someone, I just can't stop myself from giving compliments-" and there he goes again, with his non-stop talking. He won't even let me sleep in peace.

"Jesus. I'm sleepy leave me alone" I went under covers and covered by ears with by pillow. The last thing I heard is that felix laughter. That guy has no shame.


"Vous êtes prêts, les gars?" I looked at felix dumbly, he nodded while smiling at the man so I copied his action..the photographer shown outfits and everything but I didn't understand what he's speaking one bit.

"Felix!! Hey felix!! Would you explain what he said from the start?" I asked him, I know I just made an awkward face.

"We're doing this bad boy theme and don't worry he just asked if we're ready or not?" Felix explained with a smile on his face.

"Oh..thanks" I thanked him with same awkwardness. My body instinctively stiffening.

"Loosen up a bit, you can literally use me as a translator I don't mind at all" felix held my hand and dragged me to  the dressing room.

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