chapter 6

171 14 15

Nobody pov

"Aren't you bored Rapunzel!!!!" Hyunjin frowned and moved away from annoyance. Today they were supposed to be very busy , it was supposed to be a long day but their cameraman got some personal problems and he gave them a day off. Felix got overly excited that they got to rest for a day. But after sometime he got bored and started bugging hyunjin. Hyunjin just sat on his bed and started watching his anime.

"Leave me alone!! Let me watch my anime in peace!!" Hyunjin was hella annoyed at felix that he pushed him away. "You're always watching anime, pay attention to me somewhat will you?" Felix just started clinging onto hyunjin even more.

"Bitch, this shit is serious me! Go away!" Hyunjin didn't care about felix anymore, he just watched his anime without any care for the world. Felix scoffed at him but he got on hyunjin's bed and laid beside hyunjin and he simply decided to sleep beside him.

"You have your own bed" hyunjin said but still gave enough space to felix so he could lay comfortably.

"Yours is more warm... Can I?" Felix said gently wrapping his arm around hyunjin's waist and laying his head on hyunjin's lap. Hyunjin tensed a bit but with the amount of gentleness felix is showing he relaxed and let him do it. He got his headphones so felix could rest without any disturbance.

"Do whatever you want felsa" hyunjin said but felix smiled at him and snuggled closer towards hyunjin's stomach. Felix was so glad that Hyunjin didn't push. For felix, It's not  Hyunjin's bed that was warm, it's this closeness that makes his body warm inside and out. He was so happy that he didn't care if hyunjin teased him with that name for this moment.

Hyunjin really tried to concentrate on his anime. Really, he tried. But all he is looking at is this adorable chicken sleeping on his lap, he looks tired. His face is calm and gentle without his energetic smile. At first it was weird for hyunjin to see felix always smiling, like he never experienced any hardships in life...but then when hyunjin got to know felix slowly, he understood that he just hides his worries to himself. Even though he is tired he never got annoyed at the workers for delaying, even if anyone asks for re-shoot he'll do it with a smile.

"Look at you acting all energetic even though you're tired" hyunjin ran his fingers through felix black hair. "You are seriously different from minho" hyunjin smiled while stroking felix hair gently.

Hyunjin just gave up on watching anime, in his whole life no one could do that but this felix guy is something else. Hyunjin laid down beside felix making sure felix arms are still around his waist. He feels nice being held like this, he doesn't want to lose contact of Felix's tight grip on his waist. It made him feel weird in a good way.


" - I didn't even know that her name is Clara, but she posted publicly that she likes me. But I liked Sarah, Clara's best friend. She got mad at Sarah saying that she stole me from her! Like common Sarah was innocent here!" And there goes felix, rambling things that Hyunjin didn't need to know.

"How many girls did you date already? And you're only 18" hyunjin frowned at felix. Felix chuckled and said "Not many. But not a normal number, it's five. Excluding dates or blind dates"

Hyunjin raised an eyebrow at him and asked "and guys?"

Felix said "None" felix caught hyunjin frowning in confusion. So he continued to say "Not because I'm closeted or something. I was attracted to them but not enough to date them. So I only went on few dates and then few made outs that was it"

"So you're into girls more than guys?" Hyunjin asked with amused look on his face. "Don't blame me, women are just pretty" felix smiled and Hyunjin chuckled along with it. It is true women are just pretty.

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