chapter 20

214 14 25

Nobody pov

When hyunjin opened his eyes from his deep sleep, the younger was already gone. He sighed in disappointment, he just wanted to see his angel first thing in the morning. He walked towards the kitchen lazily with his sleepy eyes.

"There you are" hyunjin said to felix with his groggy voice. He was still half sleepy. Felix glanced at him and chuckled at the view. He took out his phone and clicked a pic of Hyunjin. His blonde hair was messy and his loose t-shirt was sliding down his shoulder while his eyes are half open and the pout on his lips was too cute to felix.

"What a mess you are Hwang hyunjin" felix said while chuckling. Hyunjin scoffed at the dark haired one.

"You got a problem with that??" Hyunjin asked while rolling his eyes at him and Felix's smile only widened with hyunjin's sassy reply.

"Nope. You wouldn't be princess Rapunzel if you aren't messy" felix said while walking towards pouty hyunjin and ruffled his smooth hair.

"Short ass" hyunjin huffed at him and felix giggled again and went back to making breakfast. Maybe hyunjin was still sleepy or maybe hyunjin is just in a good mood. He followed felix and back hugged him. Felix was totally astonished.

Between felix and hyunjin, the younger was always the clingy one. Felix halted his movements as soon as the older wrapped his hands around his waist. Hyunjin rested his chin on the younger's shoulder from the back.

"What's with you today? Did something good happened or what??" Felix asked as if he isn't feeling on cloud nine. His lips hurt by smiling so widely. Hyunjin didn't answer felix, he just hugged him even tighter while humming in satisfaction as he breathed in his comforting smell from the younger.

"Hey! That tickles!!" Felix exclaimed while slightly tilting his head to move away from hyunjin.

"Common you did that last night too! Are you that sensitive or what?" Hyunjin whinned due to the distance. As soon as he moved his face closer to crook of Felix's neck, his lips slightly brushed over his neck. Felix felt shivers down his spine with the contact.

"So you're not gonna listen to me huh??" Felix smirked before swaping their positions. It's hyunjin who was pinned to the kitchen's counter by felix now. His arms on either side of hyunjin's waist. Hyunjin was too late to react, he didn't even realise for a minute.

"Why?? I just wanted a morning hug!! Don't act like you didn't like it, I know you love hugging me" hyunjin whinned at the loss of contact again. He was too much of an idiot to realise that he's caged on either side.

"Then what are you doing to my neck? You're the one who said that my neck is sensitive, then why are teasing me like that??" Felix said while glaring at hyunjin. Looking sternly at the taller.

"I ain't teasing! It's"

"Yeah, me? What?" Felix asked and hyunjin titled his head away from felix, not answering him anymore. Not looking at him in the eye anymore.

"So you're not gonna answer me huh??" Hyunjin didn't make any action to deny felix, he just looked away not answering anything.

"Fine then. Let's have it your way" hyunjin looked at him with a confused face and then he suddenly busted out in laughter. Felix started tickling his waist.

"Stop!! Oh my god, s-hahaha stop it felix!!" Hyunjin was pinned to kitchen counter and he can't go back any further. Felix had no mercy at all, he was making Hyunjin laugh to his death.

"Okay!! Fine I'm sorry! -hahahah- jeez I'm sorry okay? Now stop you, asshole" hyunjin said desperately between his laughter. Only after hyunjin's sorry felix stopped and moved away from him with a satisfactory grin on his face.

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