chapter 12

213 12 21

Nobody pov

"Really now!?" Hyunjin muttered to felix after realising where they were at.

"Why? you don't like it?" Felix smirked at hyunjin. By seeing hyunjin's expression felix decided that Hyunjin likes this too much.

"You're seriously a kid. Did you actually think the water park was a good idea??" hyunjin said before breaking out the most excited smile felix has ever seen.

"I had my doubts and wanted to change the place. But now I'm really glad I didn't change it" felix said holding hyunjin's wrist, more gently now, they went inside the water park.

"And you can't even stop smiling, you're excited, it shows all over your face! Who's the kid now?" Felix gave hyunjin a smugg smile while guiding them to the changing rooms.

"Okay!! Fine!! You don't have to be a kid to enjoy this!! So let's get in the water already!!" Hyunjin was far too happy.

"Someone's more excited than I thought. Can't even wait until you change?" Felix laughed at hyunjin, he was surprised that Hyunjin is this happy about such a thing.

"Stop wasting time on teasing me! Go change!!" They both went to separate changing rooms.

"Is it your first time or what?" Felix asked Hyunjin, slightly raising his voice so hyunjin could hear him.

"No but can't I be excited even if it's not my first time?" Hyunjin said while changing as fast as he could. He was about to get out but then he suddenly realised that he is shirtless and felix will be shirtless. Oh fuck

Hyunjin and felix ignored that almost kiss incident happened in car. Even though both of them know it's better to sort out they're just too awkward to speak. And for hyunjin it's definitely not a good idea to see the man half naked who almost kissed you a few minutes ago.

"It's not like we'll be Alone! Plenty of people will be same! It not a big deal" hyunjin whispered to himself and finally got the courage to step out of the changing room. Deciding that he'll not stare at felix too much so he'll not make this more awkward. He promised himself he'll be respectful.

"You're one hell of a guy hyunjin" felix said with a chuckle still in the changing room. He got out while fixing his trunks, his gaze still didn't meet hyunjin.

See, it's not Hyunjin's fault that felix had fucking abs and a physique that makes you to not to look away. It's definitely not his fault that he had to break his own promise, it's Felix's fault for being too hot to look anywhere but him. It's Felix's fault for being this captivating.

Felix isn't in any good position. His breathing literally stopped for a second after seeing hyunjin. Felix was so happy that he successfully changed hyunjin from his gloomy mood that he didn't realise he'd see hyunjin shirtless.

I'm a fucking idiot.

Gorgeous. He looks gorgeous.

Felix never expected hyunjin would look this breathless, he looked so delicate. Delicate just like a beautiful glass sculpture that will break if you don't hold it carefully. Felix was shameless, he stared at hyunjin starting from his slender waist then followed by his chest along with his arms which made Felix head hazy with unexpected thoughts. His gaze fell on hyunjin's collar bones that looked perfect along with hyunjin's broad shoulders.

Then felix glanced up at hyunjin's face, he fought ever fiber of his muscles to not hold hyunjin's face and kiss him breathless. Hyunjin's lips were slightly parted, like he is maintaining his breathing. His face was flushed for god knows why and his blonde hair reaching up to his shoulder length made him look even ethereal. His eyes looked at felix in daze.

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