chapter 8

186 12 14

Felix pov

Imagine waking up next to someone as pretty as hyunjin who is snuggling closer to you and snoring cutely. Wouldn't your heart skip a beat? Wouldn't you feel like you're still asleep? That's what I'm feeling right now. After remembering last night's events, I've been smiling like a creep while looking at the sleeping person in front of me.

(Last night)

"You need to rest idiot..." Hyunjin caressed my eyebrows and around my eyes gently. It felt so relaxing.

"I want to talk you more..." I said even though I know I'm on the verge of sleeping.

"I'm not going anywhere, we can chat anytime okay? you acted like you weren't tired but now look at you..." Hyunjin said while rubbing circles on my forehead and stroking my hair.

"Promise? I'll talk nonsense with you everyday and you can't stop me okay?" I said like a kid throwing a trautum. Hyunjin smiled warmly.

"Okay I'll bare with your blabbering mouth everyday then" hyunjin said jokingly.

"Liar. You like hearing me, don't act like you don't like it" I said but I didn't expect his next reaction.

"I love hearing you idiot, your cute when you rant"  a smile appeared on his face. I'm sure I'm smiling like an idiot too but I can't stop it.

(Back to the morning)

"Oh fuck, we're late! Why didn't you wake me up if you were awake??" Hyunjin hurried got up and tried getting out of bed.

"You were sleeping adorably, I didn't have a heart to wake you up" I said and he fell down from bed as soon as I said that. His long legs were tangled around the bedsheet. He glared at me from down.

"Cute" I repeated again. He face was red, I don't know if it's because he's angry or he's just blushing. I'll believe it's the latter one.

"Fuck you" hyunjin said while clumsily removing the bedsheet from his legs and getting up.

"You're such a creep. Why would you watch a person while they're asleep!" He said while he taking his outfit out for today.

"Oh really? Who's the creep that was watching me last night while I was tired and asleep" I said making him red again.

"You're imagining things" he said and I looked at him with a smugg expression.

"Sure whatever you say Rapunzel" I said sarcastically. He groaned in frustration.


We both got to work and surprisingly we were done before evening. And they said this will be the last day of indoor photoshoot.

"It's like you guys will have a tour in paris. You'll be visiting all famous spots here and we'll have photoshoots there. You'll have to work on your own with this one. Only Solo photo shoots to check whether you'll be capable of doing it alone or not"  basically they made an announcement that Hyunjin and I can't have the same photoshoots anymore. Such a pain.

"So from tomorrow.. we're going on our separate paths huh?" Hyunjin said  with not so excited tone. At least that's what it sounded to me.

"We're still roomies tho. Don't act like it's our last or something. You're the most dramatic piece on this earth" I joked while we got out of our work place now. He just rolled his eyes at me and said "shut up"

"Anyways let's go to a movie today! I already have the tickets!" I said excitedly. Hyunjin shook his head immediately saying no.

"Oh really now?? Last time I took you to your favourite place so now you're gonna come with me!" I whined. I shook his arm violently.

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