chapter 16

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Hyunjin pov

"Minho, this getting out of our hand" I said while sighing in defeat.

"We're not giving up. Let's ask around in our school, if they have seen anyone following us. We might get something" Minho is as dejected as I was. But if he gives up, then it's game over for us.

"Minho, he threatened yeji that he will release a few pics if she stays at home any longer" I said as I felt anxious with each passing second.

"We need to do something, we will. We will do anything to get her out of this mess. It'll work out baby we just need to think more. We need to be smarter than him" Minho said as he jolted in his movements suddenly. He was checking the security camera of our school, well we just gave money to the officer and he let us check it.

"Got him" Minho glared at the screen. I frowned at looked at the screen.

"Beom seok??" My eyes widened in shock when I looked at the screen. He was our senior who actually interacted with us a lot. He is the one that got Minho in his dance club, which obviously did not end well. I guess beom already expected how Minho's father would react, he planned everything from the start. He must already know that yeji had a crush on Minho.

"If it wasn't for his tattoo on the back of his palm" I said and I could feel that Minho is ready to kill him right now.

"Yeah, we wouldn't have caught him" Minho said with venom in his voice. His eyes filled with rage, I know he is ready to confront him now.

As I expected he already started walking away, I had to grip his wrist tightly to stop him. When Minho gave me death glare, I would be lying if I said I wasn't intimidated by it. But this is Minho, my best friend, he is not someone who acts on anger without thinking.

"Think again Minho" I said sternly, he glared at me for a second before giving up and plopped back on the chair.

"I fucking know, I know he'll release all the photos and videos if I confront him, it'll be too late and we won't be able stop the internet" Minho said and I sighed in relief when he looked calm some what.

"Honey, at least we know who this fucker is now. Didn't you say that we'll get yeji out of this mess? We should put him in the mess before that, don't you think so Minho?" I said while smirking. I also felt the same anger that Minho felt. But I want to see this bastard burn in hell.

"Ah Damn this is why I fucking love you sweetheart" Minho said smirking back at me. I gave him a wink before getting out the room.

"Do you have a plan?" Minho asked me as we walked on our school corridor.

"I do. But it's complicated" I stopped walking right in front of boxing club. Minho's eyes widened in shock after realising my plan.

"No way. You're gonna ask him a favour?? Damn you're a real asshole hyunjin" I rolled my eyes at him and when I was about say something I heard someone call my name.

"Hyunjin??" Changbin, an acquaintance of mine looked at me with a surprised look.

"Ah, uh- can we talk?" I asked awkwardly. His face lit up as soon as he heard me, I could clearly see him blushing.

"Ohmygodohmygodohmyfuckinggod" Changbin rambling with a flustered face and minho just gave me concerned look.

"I can't believe you actually came for me! For ME?? am I dreaming? I must be dreaming right Minho?" Changbin said but he closed his mouth as soon as Minho gave him a death glare.

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