chapter 14

187 11 6

Felix pov

"Does that count as flirting?" I said laughing nervously.

"It totally does" chan hyung deadpanned at me. Well I was expecting that.

"Felix, wanna talk about it?"  Chan asked me as if he knows what I'm feeling right now. I needed someone to talk, he can always tell just by my voice.

I looked at hyunjin, who is now preparing to sleep on his bed. I most definitely can't talk about him in front of him right? Besides I have other things to discuss with Chan.

"Hyunjin, I need to take this call and it might take more time than I don't wait and sleep I'll be back after this call" I said while I got near the door to get out of this room.

Hyunjin paused his movements and glanced at me with a frown on his face. I get it, he didn't understand why I had to go out to take a call. Well it's Chan hyung, I want to talk to him about something else. Other than hyunjin..

"Uh- well okay then? Don't stay out for too late" hyunjin said shrugging the confusion off. I liked how he worries about me, something I never expected from him. I smiled at him and got out of the room.I walked down the street and it was still busy. But it was quite enough for me to talk with Chan.

" still there?"  I asked chan.

"Yeah, yeah. Now would you like to give me the details about this hyunjin guy?" Chan hyung got straight to the point. He was always this way.

"Hyung, he is my brother's best friend"  I said deciding not to beat around the bush anymore. I was left with silence for a few seconds and then I heard chan sighing tiredly.

"You gotta be kidding me right now"  His response made me laugh at myself.

"How is mom? Whenever I called her she always says she's fine but I know that's all a lie" I said while settling to sit on a bench that gave me the view of this busy road.

"The doctor called me yesterday felix, he said that she should go under another session"

Another?? How many sessions have she gone through again?

"You okay felix?"

"I should've known. I should've taken good care of her. I should've done more part time jobs-" chan cut me off before I could say anymore.

"Felix! It'll not change anything. Blood cancer is something that is completely out of our hands" I tried telling this to myself for the past three years. But I can never accept this.

"She has two years, hyung. Just two years. Seeing me and minho as actual brothers is her last wish. I want her to least have that" I said while glancing at the cars that are moving so fast on the road. Just like this speed of the car's, mom's cancer got to stage 4 within a span of three years.

"She can't leave me before that hyung, tell the doctor to prepare for the operation. She needs to stay alive"

"Felix, I Still can't understand you two. What if minho doesn't care at all?? You actually never wanted to accept this , you never wanted to go to Paris. You're missing out on your mother's last days" chan hyung tried to tell me this as gently as he could but I know how frustrated he is.


"I'll get the money ready, please get her ready for the next session doctor" I said to the doctor while my mother waited for me inside the hospital room.

After talking with the doctor, I ordered her favourite dish and got inside the room where she was supposed to be resting.

"Ah, sweetie you're here!! What took you so long? I thought I'll die due to starvation" she joked as she excitedly took the food from my hands and started eating while smiling with satisfaction as if she isn't suffering with blood cancer.

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