chapter 18

236 15 28

No one's pov

"Thank you felix" hyunjin said suddenly, surprising felix. They were just having breakfast in a comfortable silence. Even though felix did not open up to hyunjin, the feelings hyunjin bolted up till this day are gone.

"Huh? What for?" Felix said tilting his head towards hyunjin.

"For listening to me...for comforting me... I didn't know that I needed to get these thoughts out, I feel so much better now" hyunjin said smiling softly at felix.

"Don't try to keep everything within you will only hurt more" felix said while returning the same warm smile.

"You too felix. You too" felix jolted in his movements when hyunjin gave this reply.

Saying hyunjin to rely on him while felix, himself kept many such a hypocrite thing to say. Felix nodded at hyunjin without looking at his eyes.

"Ah, I almost forgot! I won't be able to come back tonight" felix said changing the subject.


"I have a night shoot scheduled today, it'll get late so don't wait for me. And don't forget to order your dinner cuz I don't think I'll be back before midnight" felix said and hyunjin nodded in response, unwillingly.

He is saying not to wait as if I can sleep alone without the bone crushing embrace he gives me every night...

"So you're free until evening right?" Hyunjin asked felix while trying to ignore his own thoughts.

"Yeah. I won't be there when you'll get back though" hyunjin pouted as he realised that he won't see felix until the next morning.

"It's only a day Rapunzel, stop being dramatic" felix said while chuckling at the pouting boy who is completely unaware that felix was looking at him. He thought felix was done eating and he was already in kitchen. But apparently, felix had his eyes on him.

"Rapunzel again? Stop calling me that!" Hyunjin said rolling his eyes at felix while hiding his flustered face by turning away from felix.

"Oh wow you're completely red. Are you that embarrassed to admit that you'll miss me??" Felix said making Hyunjin drown in embarrassment even deeper.

"You're sleeping on your own bed from now on" hyunjin said knowing very well that this will make felix to shut up.

"Stop threatening me with this every single time hyunjin!!" Felix said glaring at hyunjin. Hyunjin just smirked at felix feeling very satisfied.

"No can do Elsa" it is hyunjin's time to tease felix and get him all angry. Felix scoffed at hyunjin's unreasonable tactics.

"I'll sneak in your bed when you're asleep" felix said and huffed at hyunjin.

"I'll kick you out without any mercy" hyunjin said smirking even more widely.

"I'll hug you so tight that you won't be able to kick me so easily and you were always relaxed whenever I hugged you, there's no way you're gonna wake up" felix said making Hyunjin speechless. Felix was absolutely right and there is nothing he could counter that reason!

"Fuck you for always getting your way with me" hyunjin said while finally starting to get ready for his scheduled photo shoot.

"Oh you have no Idea how wrecked you'll be if I had my way with you hyunjin" felix muttered under his breath thinking that it was not audible to hyunjin. But hyunjin heard it very clearly. Every single word of it.

"I-I should to work now, enough of your games" hyunjin muttered and walked inside bathroom as fast as he could without turning back.

"That was close" Hyunjin whispered to himself while splashing water on his face repeatedly.

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