chapter 13

198 13 18

Nobody pov

"Hyunjin!!! I'm hungry!! Is the dinner still not ready??" Felix yelled from the living room to the kitchen. Just so he could piss hyunjin off even more.

"One more word and I'll fucking poison you lee felix" hyunjin replied to felix making him a laughing mess.

Since hyunjin forced felix on that water slide, felix is making Hyunjin cook for them as a punishment.

"I'm already tired as it is, and you're seriously making me cook?" Hyunjin complained while felix lazily laid on the couch.

"Well you're the one who went on all the slides even though I was so tired! You still didn't give a fuck about me" felix said while finally getting up so he could check what hyunjin is preparing. Felix made sure that there were no sounds while was walking towards kitchen.

Felix peeked in the kitchen and he figured hyunjin is really making a soup. Hyunjin took a spoonful of soup and brought his lips towards it, like an idiot he straight up tasted it without even waiting for it to cool down. Of course it'd hurt, the spoon he was holding slipped down and it fell right on his foot.

"-Ouch!!!" Hyunjin lost his balance and he tried to stand still by placing his hand on the counter but accidentally knocked over the container that he was preparing the soup. The whole soup fell on the kitchen counter like some damn waterfall. It sloped down the counter and fell on the same spot where the spoon was, it felt like lava was pouring on his leg.

"FUCK! You gotta be fucking kidding me!" Hyunjin leaned back on the wall, giving up to cook. Then he heard felix running towards him in a hast.

"Oh my god !! If you don't do something on that foot it'll be worse for your skin. Stay put, don't go near the counter" felix warned hyunjin before getting up and he filled water in a bottle. He ran back to hyunjin and directly poured the water on the reddish area of his toes where it almost burnt.

"Ow!! ow!!! It hurts!!" Hyunjin groaned in pain. He never experienced something like this. He never set foot in the kitchen, so the chances of getting burn are low.

"Just a little. It's gonna be alright, bare it a little" felix poured the whole water and he looked at hyunjin's pained face. He felt guilty. Really guilty. Felix poured two more bottles of water on that area before sitting beside hyunjin.

"I figured you'd be bad at cooking, but I didn't think it would be this bad" felix said after sighing tiredly.

"Hey! The soup was actually good, you just didn't get to taste my divine soup" hyunjin joked after completely ruining their kitchen. Felix laughed a little before holding hyunjin's hand tenderly.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have forced you to cook. Thank god it was a small one" felix glanced at hyunjin, expecting to get a good scolding from the older.

But hyunjin just smiled warmly at him and shook his head while saying "It's not your fault that I'm this clumsy, honestly I should've told you that I had no experience in this"

"So don't beat yourself up about this" hyunjin said bumping his shoulder with felix slightly, in a playful manner.

"Oh my, aren't you being too kind?" Felix chuckled after listening to hyunjin.

"What can I say? My roommate's disease is rubbing off on me" hyunjin smirked at felix and felix couldn't help but smile from the bottom of his heart.

"If you're referring me as some kind person then forget it. You don't know now, you'll change your opinion very soon"

Felix never considered himself as a kind person. At first People would thank him for being nice or kind whatever you call it. Then they'll say it was an act. That he is just.....

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