Chapter 2

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I wrapped my arms around the redhead girl, gripping her oversize sweatshirt. Jessy and I were about the same height, so when I felt my friend's legs weakening, I could help her stand. I tried to walk in her apartment but Jessy tightened her grip around my back. She was crying out loud, letting her sorrow express everything she kept inside for these past months. She was sobbing in the crook of my neck and I could feel her burning tears falling on my skin. Jessy's breath was intercuted by her sobs and it was obvious she struggled to regain her calm. I slowly released my grip around her frail body and I started to gently rub her back in an attempt to soothe her, whispering comforting words in her ear.

Progressively Jessy's chest raised slowlier and her tears seemed to be less heavy as she started to settle down. She pulled back slightly so I could finally look my friend in her eyes. These eyes were red from crying and looked, as I expected, exhausted. Her eyelids were swollen and surrounded by dark circles reminding me of the sleepless nights she must have spent. Her lashes were glued together by the excess of tears and her lips were cracked as if she used to bite them with anxiety. Her expression proved how misery could erase the beauty of a joyful face.

We stared at each other's eyes for a while. Stuck in this awkward moment where the joy of finally meeting mixes with the excruciating pain of the event that led us to our encounter. With a deep raspy voice due to hours of cries, Jessy greeted me, "MC, welcome to Duskwood."

"Yes...I finally came," I replied shyly. We didn't move for a while until a small giggle escaped our mouths. We didn't laugh with joy but with stress and comfort. A cough interrupted our little daydream and we both turned our heads to look at the intruder who dared interfere with us.

A man in a wheelchair was looking at us, arms crossed over his chest, a light smile on his face. Dan. Behind his smile I could see the pain distort his features. His cheeks were hollow, hidden behind his big bear beard. His eyes were red and I could still notice a few tears remaining in the corner of his eyelids. The imposant man seemed marked by the harshness of the events. He, who was tough enough to protect his friends no matter what, looked defeated. For the first time in his life, the usually strong man showed us this vulnerability that only grief allows. "Jessy, share MC with us, you're not the only one who wants to greet her," Dan grinned.

"MC?" I saw a brunette walking to the door behind Dan. Cleo's eyes widened when she saw me, "MC! You're really here!" Cleo was exactly the same as in pictures, a serious face with a mischievous look. There was no doubt she had been traumatized too. She tried to hide her sorrow with a warm smile but the traces of her previous tears were still apparent on her cheeks, betraying how she really felt. Cleo walked past Dan, and stopped right in front of me. She opened her arms for me and I slipped into her embrace. Our hug was short but friendly. I knew Cleo was pretty prude when she didn't know someone well and I didn't want to cross her boundaries.

Then, I turned to Dan who started to pout because I haven't hugged him yet and I went to him. I leaned down and wrapped my hand around his shoulders, squeezing them lightly. But, as I was about to get up, he pulled me by my arms making me fall onto his lap and gave me a big hug. I didn't expect so much affection from him but thinking a bit about it, this behavior fitted the character. "I'm happy you're here boo," my friend ruffled my hair while I pouted at him.

After these warm greetings, we entered Jessy's apartment with a lighter heart. The place was welcoming and suited Jessy's personality perfectly. The walls were painted in yellow and white and covered by multiple paintings and photographs. The lobby led directly into a small living room with an open kitchen on the right. The huge couch, taking half the space, sat in the middle of the room and faced the windows. Three doors on the left side of the apartment probably led to the bedrooms and bathroom. A sweet scent of cinnamon floated all over the place.

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