Chapter 15

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Once Matt saw Mr. Roth's name on the screen he grabbed my phone out of my hand and threw it on the floor. Then, using all his body weight, he smashed it with his shoe several times, until the device broke into pieces.

"What the f-" I started, but Matt cut me off by pushing me to reach for his laptop. He closed it and shoved it in his backpack. He lifted his head up and looked around him, scanning every corner of the room.

Once he was sure he didn't forget anything he headed for the door, "Come on MC, hurry!"

I stared at him in shock, "But what's happening?"

"You have just seen Roth, haven't you?" Matt snapped at me, "he probably had access to your phone, which means he now has access to your location, our location. If we don't leave now Roth or his men or whoever is working with him is going to find us and find the evidence that can clear Jake's name!" His tone was harsh, but I understood it wasn't because he was mad at me, but because he was under pressure.

I nodded quickly and followed Matt on the street. Jake's friend put his hood over his head and gestured for me to do the same. I was glad I had my trench coat with me, and tried to hide my face in the shadows while we walked.

As we turned on the corner of the street, I started hearing the sirens of a police car approaching. I held my breath unconsciously, were they here for us? I tried to calm down, Colville is a big city, police could have been called for something else. We were passing down a dark alley, Matt walked fast and I tried to keep up his pace. "Hurry up MC," he glanced at me over his shoulder. I ran to catch up with him.

It was getting dark and we were now in a desert area. "Where are we going," I asked out of breath. Matt didn't slow down and we were walking for almost thirty minutes. He didn't reply and kept going on.

"Fuck!" I heard Matt cursing under his breath and then he started running. I frowned and looked where he was going when I noticed a bus station at the other side of the road. The bus had already started the engine and was about to leave. I followed Matt, running as fast as I could. He reached the bus first and knocked on the door, signaling to the driver we wanted to go in.

The doors opened and the brown-haired man stepped inside. When I arrived on the bus, Matt had bought the tickets and the driver was glaring at me, "Sorry," I whispered. I walked in the alley to the bottom of the bus and sat next to Matt.

The man had his eyes closed and his head was resting on the seat. He opened one of his eyes, his green pupils scanned my face with worry, "Are you okay MC?"

I quietly nodded lost in my thoughts. We remained silent for a while, only looking through the window of the bus. The shadows were piercing through the glass, dancing on our faces. I blinked, "Where are we going?" I asked out of the blue.

"Terrendale," he simply replied. I sat up in my seat briskly making Matt jump. He turned his head to me with his eyebrows raised. "Why?"

"So it means we will be closed to Duskwood, am I right?" he nodded even if he knew I didn't need an answer to that question. "So I had an idea. You have access to information that could help clearing Jake's name. But we're stuck because now we know his lawyer probably set him a trap and he's after us. Soooo.... I

I was thinking that maybe we could use a little help from the police?"

" From the police?!" Matt's eyes widened,"I don't think the police would help us," he scoffed.

I shook my head and the corner of my lips curled up a bit, "I guess it could work. Lilly, Jake's sister, dates a police officer in Duskwood. I know her, if we show her the evidence she will help. Plus, Chloe would do anything to help Lilly."

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