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20 months later

I heard Jake's growl, followed by a loud noise coming from the next room. When I entered the place, I saw him kneeling in front of the wooden furniture, a screwdriver in his right hand. His left hand was gripping his hair tight and he had a desperate look on his face. He frowned, his eyes focused on the instruction manuals.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, a bit amused.

Jake glanced at me before going back to the paper in front of him, "This is nonsense, it's written to use the bolt number 13. Can you see it? How am I supposed to build it if they don't sell the bolt number 13 with it!" he almost yelled.

"Maybe you can use another bold from your toolbox?" I suggested.

"Fr-from my toolbox?" he stuttered, "What toolbox?"

"You don't have any toolboxes?"

"No," he replied as if it was the most obvious answer. With a sigh he turned around to face me, still kneeling on the floor, and took my baby bump in his hands. He put his chin on my belly and looked me in the eyes, "I want the bed to be ready before she arrives. I think I'll ask Matt for help."

"Matt?" I chuckled, "I don't think Matt is more skilled in building furniture than you. You should ask Colin, or Dan!"

Jake winced and approached his head to my belly to talk to the baby, "Don't listen to your mum, she's talking nonsense!" he whispered.

I rolled my eyes and took Jake's hands in mine, "Come on, my soooo powerful handyman! You better get prepared, our daughter is not coming before at least a month, But should I remind you that our guests are coming soon."

Jake got up and we came back to the living room, "I'm going to take a quick shower before they arrive." he told me before kissing the top of my head and walking to the bathroom.

I went to the dining room and finished dressing the table for later. The doorbell rang at the same moment I heard the water running in the bathroom. Jake always had the bad habit of avoiding greeting our friends. He hated this, it meant too much attention on him so he preferred to discreetly appear when everybody was here so he could blend into the crowd.

I opened the door and happily greeted my first guests, "Jessy, Colin! Wow you two look gorgeous!" They just came back from their honeymoon in the Caribbean islands. Jessy looked stunning with her tanned skin that highlighted her freckles and the shiny couple seemed happier than ever.

"Oh MC, it was wonderful! The sea, the sun, the beach! Everything was perfect. I have to show you the pictures!" I smiled and we hugged while Colin was shyly sliding inside the apartment. We sat on the couch and they told me about their journey, but soon the doorbell rang again.

It was Cleo and Dan. As usual, Cleo helped me more than necessary, forcing me to sit and rest even if I didn't need it. "I'm pregnant, Cleo, not sick. I can still move, you know."

But she ignored me and I saw Jessy mouthing to me "Leave it, you know how she is."

Then, Lilly and Hannah arrived with their partners. Jake was finally out of the bathroom and quickly hugged his sisters before hiding again.

Finally Matt knocked on the door. When I opened it, he didn't look at me but scanned the apartment above my shoulder. "Jake told me he needed help."

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, "oh no... He already told you. You know it can wait..."

"Wait? ! But this is a serious matter! This is about my niece!" He looked at me with wide eyes.

Before I could react Matt planted a quick kiss on my hair and joined Jake in the future baby's room. I sighed, I didn't know what they were about to do with this cradle, but at least I could keep the baby with me in the bed the first few months... Just in case.

I turned around and noticed that Dan was looking at me mockingly.

" Dan, please could you.. "

"No." He cut me off, "Jake didn't ask my help."

"Please, I beg you!" I pleaded.

"Huh, huh, not enough," he tried not to laugh.

"You'll have my eternal gratitude!"

"Oh come on, boo! You can do better than that!"

I growled, knowing I couldn't win this game, "Fine Jack Daniel's. Free Whiskey for a year."

"Now we're talking the same language!" To my annoyance, Dan ruffled my hair and laughed, "I'll help them, I promise."

Everyone was finally reunited in the dinner room. Dan convinced Jake and Matt to join us by telling them he would build the bed after dinner.

Cleo was busy carrying the dishes from the kitchen to the table while Jake and Thomas started to pour everyone a glass.

I leaned against the doorframe between the living room and the dinning room. I felt at ease, all my friends were here and we now formed a happy noisy family. I've never regretted everything that happened. The good and the bad things. If I had to go through this again, I would. As tough as it has been, it was the only path that led me here, with them.

Jake raised his gray-blue eyes to me and we locked our gaze. When he finished pouring the last glass he came to me and extended a hand for me, "Are you coming?" His deep voice would always send a pleasant chill down my spine. I felt my cheeks burning and my heart racing in my chest, because I knew we did it. We finally were where we belonged.

So, with a big smile on my face, I took his hand and he led me to our friends, ready to embrace the happy peaceful life we deserved.


Thank you so much for reading this story. I really hope you liked it. To me this is my own ending for Duskwood.
Thank you for your support, comments and votes, they mean the world to me ❤️

If you want to read more, you can check "Find me" and "Tales of Duskwood". (I also have originals stories if you're interested.)
I'd be happy to see you there.

Thank you again dear readers ❤️

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