Chapter 6

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I woke up the next day with an awful headache. I tried to open my eyes but the light was too bright so I buried my face in the pillow. Progressively I remembered what happened last night. The Aurora, Jessy and I dancing, me crying loudly in Phil's arms. Ho no… I was so drunk. 

I stood up and noticed I was still fully dressed. I opened my closet and grabbed some clean clothes before going to the living room. Phil was already up and welcomed me with a warm smile. "So, you're not too hungover this morning?" he asked with a smirk. 

I pouted, "Yeah… I shouldn't have drank this much yesterday. Do you know if Jessy has any aspirin?" 

"In the bathroom I guess," he replied pointing at the door behind me. I went to the bathroom and opened the cupboard above the sink. I spotted the packet of pills and picked it up. When I came back to the living room, Phil had already placed a plate, a cup of coffee and a big glass of water on the table. "Here's for you, beautiful," he winked.

I took the pills with the glass of water, "Hum.. Phil, I wanted to thank you about yesterday." I started. The man smiled and sat next to me while I bit into my pancake. My eyes widened and a soft noise of satisfaction escaped my mouth. "Hmm… These pancakes are delicious." I smiled while savoring the sweet taste of orange blossom. "I didn't know you were a great cook, Phil."

"I have a lot more to show you if you let me," he grinned. I shook my head a little embarrassed. "MC?" the serious look on his face appeared again, "Yesterday, when you told me that you wouldn't be able to meet 'him', you didn't mean Richy, didn't you?" I frozed. Unfortunately, I remembered perfectly what I said last night. I avoided Phil's gaze. I didn't think he knew about Jake's existence, which was for the best. 

Phil frowned at my silence," This is what I thought. You were talking about that creepy mysterious guy Jessy's told me about, huh?" 

Shit! Jessy told Phil about Jake?! "What did she tell you exactly?" My voice was harder than expected. I didn't mean to be rude with Phil but fear took over me. The less people knew about Jake the better it was. What if Phil went to see the police? 

Phil frowned and sat back in his chair, "Easy MC. Why are you so angry?" 

"It's just… He has a complicated situation. I don't want to get him in even more trouble," I mumbled. 

"Really?" Phil raised his eyebrows rubbing his stubble with his left hand. "Jessy just told me you liked some creepy man a lot, and that you were sad because he was in the mine when it exploded." He paused, staring at me. It looked like he wanted to say something else. "It was all over the news that someone other than Richy was somewhere in that mine. So, it didn't take me too much time to figure out that the creepy man was the wanted and dangerous criminal."

I immediately sat up in my seat, "Phil, please don't…" 

"Relax MC," he cut me off, "As long as you're safe, I won't say a word. If this man really loves you he won't put you in danger, right?" he sighed, "Anyway, you should be careful." Phil got up and took his jacket off the back of his chair, "Take care, MC." I looked at him in silence while he opened the door and left Jessy's apartment. 

It was almost 11am and Jessy was still in her room. I washed the dishes, cleaned up her apartment to keep myself busy but I started to be a bit worried. I decided to go check on her and knocked softly on her door, "Jessy? Are you awake?" As I had no answer I quietly opened the door. A few rays of light lit the room. The huge two-person bed was standing right under the window. I slowly got closer to Jessy. She had her back to me but as I approached I noticed she was awake. Traces of tears remained in her cheeks and she was blankly staring at the wall in front of her. 

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