Chapter 3

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I woke up early the next day. Jessy's apartment was quiet, she was still sleeping. I remained in bed for a while, I could hear birds singing outside. It reminded me of my childhood. Back then when I used to live with my parents, in the countryside, I always heard birds singing when I woke up and it eased me. Now that I lived in a big city, this peaceful sound was usually replaced by traffic and horns. So, laying in Jessy's guest room I enjoyed this little cocoon protecting me from reality. Soon, I extended my arm to grab my phone on the nightstand. I passed my thumb over the screen to check if I had any new notification - a new reflex I got since Thomas sent me his first message. And there it was, a notification indicating I had received a text. I sat in the bed holding my breath.

Alan: Good morning MC. I am sorry to contact you early in the morning. In order to complete Miss Donfort's case, I need to gather some information. As you were closely involved during the investigation, your testimony has to be included in the files. We can meet at the Duskwood's police station tomorrow morning at 9am. Please let me know if you're available so if you're not we can schedule another appointment quickly.

The message was pretty formal which surprised me. I quickly typed an answer to confirm the appointment. There was no use avoiding Alan, especially now that he knew I was in Duskwood. I sighed. What did I think? That Jake would have texted me that easily? Once again I opened my chat with Jake, once again my heart broke when I saw I didn't have any new messages. I sat on the edge of the bed and took my head in my hands, my elbows resting on my thigh. I rubbed my eyes and breathed. Less than 48 hours ago Jake and I were talking about our relationship. That we could make it work. And now I didn't even know if he was still alive. I bit my lips and swallowed back my tears. A taste of blood invaded my mouth. I brushed my lips with my thumb and saw a red spot on my finger. Shit!

I stood up and went to the bathroom. I opened the tap and let the cold water fill my hands and washed my face with it. I walked to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for Jessy and I when I saw my redhead friend coming in the room. Her face was still pale and it seemed like she hadn't slept. Her eyes were teary and she had a grim look on her face. I immediately knew that something was wrong. "What's going on?" I asked while going to her.

She looked at me and quietly snorted, "Paul's just called me, Richy's father," she slowly came to her couch and sat on it hugging her knees, "Richy's funeral is in two days. Paul asked me to warn the others." Jessy buried her face in her knee and her shoulder started shaking. Slowly at first, and then more intensely as she sobbed uncontrollably. "I-I don't know if I wa-want to go, " she cried, "It feels so re-real."

I sat next to her and put a hand on her arm. "It's okay Jessy, take your time. Do you want me to warn the others?," I said with a soft voice. Jessy nodded and I got up. "I'm going to make you a big cup of coffee first." I went to the kitchen trying to ignore the lump in my throat. While I waited next to the coffee maker, I sent a message in the group chat.

MC: Hey guys?

MC:I have news

MC: Paul called Jessy. The funeral is in two days.

My eyes were burning. I closed them and shook my head. Despite everything he's done, I cared for Richy. Jessy was right. Now that we knew when his funeral was, everything felt so real. The scent of coffee started to fill my nose. I grabbed two mugs and poured the black beverage for Jessy and I. The red-haired woman took the mug without looking at me. I came back to the kitchen and sat on a stool resting my elbows on the counter. I took a sip of my coffee when my phone buzzed.

Lilly: Hey MC. Thank you, I'll warn Thomas. We're going to the hospital today.

Cleo: Thank you for warning us MC

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