Chapter 5

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I opened my eyes and sat immediately in my bed. I could feel the uncomfort sensation of cold sweat running down my spine. My breath was short and my heart was beating fast in my ears. I just had a nightmare. Everything I remembered was the sensation of heat and suffocation and a loud voice growling, "This is all your fault, if you had come to the mine I would be alive". This was when I woke up, with Richy's voice ringing in my head.

I rubbed my eyes and sighed, the guilt wouldn't leave me soon. I looked at my alarm clock on the nightstand. It was already 9.30, I haven't slept that late in a long time. I got up and opened the curtains slightly. The sky was gray, with huge heavy clouds, as if a storm was approaching. Perfect weather for a sad day.

I opened the door without a sound and peeked in the living room. I saw the figure of Phil still asleep on the couch. I stepped out of the guest room quietly and headed to the bathroom. But on my way, I stumbled against the coffee table. I cursed under my breath.

Phil started to move and I saw the man slowly lifting his head up. When he saw me, a grin appeared on his face, "Hello MC, it's nice to be woken up by such a beautiful woman. But please, gorgeous, no need to break the table next time. Jessy will blame me for it" he chuckled.

"Haha, very funny. Don't worry about the table, it's fine." I said while going to the bathroom. Once I was there I undressed and went straight under the cold water. I shivered, waiting for the water to get warmer. I picked up a bottle of coconut soap and started to wash. I rubbed my body as if I tried to clean the guilt from me. I closed my eyes but all I could see was the image of Richy's face in my mind. My nightmare came to my mind again and I felt a heavy weight in my chest. It was true, if I had gone to the mine, Richy would probably still be alive. And Jake would have been safe. I wondered what could have happened if I'd gone to the mine, or if I hadn't answered Thomas' first message? I wouldn't have met all of them. What would Richy have done if I would have minded my own business instead of interfering with the group? Would Hannah be safe? But it was too late now. I couldn't change the past and had to live with my mistakes and my guilt.

I opened my eyes, steam floated in the entire room. I got out of the shower and dressed with a simple black top and dark sweatpants. I came back to the living room and was welcomed by the scent of coffee. Phil stood, shirtless, in the kitchen. I couldn't help but look at his pretty muscled back and I left my cheek slightly blushing. I looked away but too late. Phil had already turned around and smirked at me, "So, what do you think about what you see?" he teased me.

I shrugged, "oh you know, I've seen other men in my life so don't be too confident I'm not impressed by a bare chest,"

Phil laughed loudly, "And you're picky. That's even more tempting!"

I giggled and took three cups of coffee out of the cupboard, handing them to the half naked man in front of me. Jessy went out of her room, yawning. She looked at me then at her brother and sighed, "Phil, put a shirt on please, you're not at your home." She came toward us and took a cup of coffee before sitting at the table.

I sat next to her, "Are you ready?" I asked with concern.

She shook her head. "Who is? But I think we don't really have the choice but to go, don't we?"

I took her hand in mine and gently squeezed it. "I'll be there the whole time. We're gonna get through this together." The redhead took a look at me and smiled sadly.

A few hours later it was time to go to the funeral. I had put my black dress on and was sitting on the backseat of Phil's car while staring at the Duskwood's landscape rolling before my eyes. The drive was quiet, none of us dared to speak. Soon Phil parked next to the cemetery. We got out of the car and I saw Jessy flinched. I firmly took her hand to support her. Phil wrapped his arm around his sister's shoulders and we entered the place. We slowly walked through the alleys and spotted a small group of people. I thought there would have been more people as Richy was known in the whole town. But I guessed his last acts had deterred the inhabitants from attending the funeral.

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