Chapter 8

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I ran down the metallic stairs and arrived in a small dark alley. I looked around me trying to find a way out, when my phone buzzed again. 

Nym-0s : Don't go back in front of the motel, there are other FBI agents there. Go on your left, there is another alley. Down the alley there is a door leading to an abandoned office. Hide inside the room, you can lock the door from the inside. 

What was this? Was I really in trouble? I chose to trust Jake and followed his instructions. As I turned in the smaller alley, I heard footsteps rushing down the motel's stairs. I walked faster and spotted the door Jake's indicated to me. I opened it and closed it quietly behind me. Keys were indeed into the lock. With a beating heart I locked the door and hid just in time behind a desk when two shadows appeared behind the opaque glass of the door. 

"Where is the woman?" I heard a male voice asking. "Can you locate her phone?" 

"No… I have lost the signal." someone else replied. 

The first man punched the door and I raised my hand to my mouth to suppress a cry. I remained still for a long time even holding my breath. "What about the other woman? This… Cleo?" 

"Sorry sir, we have nothing against her. We can't arrest her," the second man seemed quite worried while saying this. I sighed with relief, at least Cleo could go home free. I heard the footsteps of the men walking away but I didn't move. I don't know how much time I stayed here, hidden. But at a moment I received a new message. 

Nym-0s : They are gone. You can go out. Follow the location I'll send. 

The location? What location? The screen of my phone suddenly glitched and a map appeared, indicating a spot to reach maybe two kilometers from where I was. A route was also traced on the map. It wasn't the most direct way to get to the destination, but I thought it was the safest. 

I slowly stood up and opened the door of my hidden place quietly. I peeked in the dark alley before I stepped outside. I studied the map carefully before heading to my destination. 

I walked in small streets avoiding the main avenue. I didn't know where I was going. I blindly trusted the small dots on the map indicating me the way. It was entirely dark and I started to be afraid, but luckily I never met anyone on the way. After almost an hour I arrived in a residential area. I was very close to the place I should go. When I arrived in front of a house isolated from the other, the map closed. I looked around. The house was quite big and seemed pretty luxurious. I walked in the yard and approached the front door. Above my head there was a CCTV and the lock was equipped with a small panel. I needed a code to enter it. I frowned, was I really at the right place? I started to walk back thinking I was wrong when my phone buzzed again. 

Nym-0s : You know the code. 

I know the code? I came back to the door, now sure this was the right house. What code could it be? It was only numbers. I tried my birthday, but it didn't work. It couldn't be something related to Jake as I knew nothing about him. It should be something important for both of us. I looked at my screen and Jake's messages. "Nymos…" I whispered. I raised a hand and type '01040' a soft noise indicated the door was opened. I pushed it slowly and closed it quietly behind me once I was inside. 

I was in a dark hall leading to a huge living room with a huge and excessively neat kitchen. The floor was covered with a thick and soft carpet that absorbed the sound of my footsteps. On my right I saw a long corridor probably leading to the bedrooms. At the very end, a door was slightly opened and a gloomy light passed through the small gap.

I slowly walked to the door and pushed it without a noise. I held my breath. He was here, sitting at a desk in front of a laptop and several monitors. He was mesmerizing. He had his back to me and wore a large sweatshirt with his hood on. I could hear him typing on the keyboard, and I could notice he was typing fast. His back muscles moved while he typed. I was finally next to him but I couldn't move, though. I was longing for that moment for weeks, and now I was a few meters from him, I was frozen. My heart beat so fast and I had to grab the door frame to support me. 

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