Chapter 4

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I was standing in front of the closet in Jessy's room. It was 7am but I was already up. I thought that I would fall asleep quickly after Dan's and I movie night, but the feeling of being watched and the figure I thought I've seen haunted me for the majority of the night. I yawn, still rummaging through Jessy's clothes. When I packed my bag a few days ago I obviously didn't think I should have brought some formal clothes with me. Fortunately, Jessy told me I could borrow her some clothes as we were about the same height and corpulence. I picked up a plain white shirt with a jacket which would suit my black jeans. I put all the items in the bathroom and went to the kitchen to make some coffee.

After a long hot shower, I sat on the couch with my cup of coffee and turned the TV on. The news had stopped talking about the IronSplitter mine and Hannah's case. It was like it had never existed. The rest of the world seemed to keep on living while Duskwood had to cope with the traumatic events of the past few weeks.

I checked my watch, it was almost 9am and I had to go to the police station. I got my coat and Jessy's spare keys and left the apartment. As I turned around to lock the door, I noticed the red raven mark on it. How could Jessy get over this if this damn red painting reminded her what Richy did every day? I had to clean this later.

I went outside and headed to the police station. It was a beautiful spring day so I thought walking could make me feel a little better. I frowned as I passed by the dark alley where I thought I've seen someone last night. But there was nothing. Just a plain brick wall with nothing around. No panel, or trash or anything I could have confused with a shadow. So what did I see? I stood there, staring at the brick wall with knitted eyebrows, as if the dark figure would suddenly appear in front of me, revealing itself. I reluctantly looked away and kept on walking toward the police station. I stopped in front of the building. I didn't know what Alan had in mind. I only knew I had to be careful and hoped we wouldn't talk about Jake. Alan told me I wasn't charged with anything so I didn't need to be worried, right?

I put my hand on the metal knob and pushed the door to enter the building. A young man, maybe in his mid twenties, stood behind the reception desk. He had a friendly look which made me feel comfortable. The room was small but pretty bright with a waiting area equipped with plastic blue chairs. I approached the desk with a shy smile, "Good morning, I'm MC. I have an appointment with Mr Bloomgate at 9am".

The man looked up at me, "Good morning. Please wait, I'll tell Mr Bloomgate you're here."

I stood awkwardly in the room waiting for Alan to come. I was way too nervous to sit down on one of the blue chairs, so I tried to keep busy while reading some leaflets or posters available in the waiting area. After a few minutes I heard a door in the back of the room opening, and the forty years old man came in. "MC, I'm glad you came!" Alan seemed quite surprised to see me, but a warm smile soon crossed his face. "Please, follow me." Alan led me through the police station hallways, and soon stopped in front of a gray door. He opened the door and invited me in. The room was quite impersonal and equipped with a wooden table with two chairs standing at each side. "Please take a seat. Do you want some coffee?" Alan asked.

I slowly nodded, unsure of what would happen to me during the interview. I slowly walked to one of the chairs and sat uncomfortably. Alan left me alone in the room to get us some coffee and I looked at my surroundings. I noticed a small device on the table, probably a recorder, and I felt anxiety tightened my chest. I jumped in my seat when Alan came back into the room with two mugs of burning coffee in both hands. He handed me one mug and I placed it on the table right in front of me. I smelt the strong scent of coffee hitting my nostrils and wrapped the mug with my hands to warm me up.

Alan sat on the chair across from me and gave me a comfort smile, "MC, the interview is about to start. As I said, no accusations are held against you. Although, to respect the procedure, this interview will be recorded. Is that all clear for you or do you have any questions before we start?" I nodded and took a sip of my coffee while Alan turned on the device. "I'm Alan Bloomgate, chief of the Duskwood's police and here to interview MC, as a witness in Miss Hannah Donfort's case." The man stopped to drink his coffee, "So MC, can you please tell me how you first heard about Miss Dondort abduction?"

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