Chapter Five: The Exodus and Resignation of the Chamblee Servants

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Third-Person POV

The day after Hezekiah's death...

Minnie Jean Walker-Simmons, head maid.

Ty'Reek Ra'heem Chandler, security member.

Horace Welker, head groundskeeper.

Lina Yune, maid.

Remember those names as they and the other workers who work as servants, cooks, butlers, security guards, and maids mourned the loss of one Hezekiah Chamblee once news of his suicide reached their homes and phones. Of course, neither of them believed the story since they all knew of Hezekiah being treated like old furniture by his parents, sisters, and Alex while Cameron was the only one who was decent enough to treat him like family.

It was Minnie Jean herself who saw that the two young men (Hezekiah and Cameron) would be seen as expendables by the rest of the family. And she had them promise to her and each other that they would maintain that brotherly bond through good times, bad times, and everything in between. "The good Lord is going to prepare Himself to take this damned family to judgement day with their sins," she had intoned when Hezekiah was in eighth grade and Cameron in fourth grade. "And with you two being close to each other, you both will need each other in more ways than you can imagine. Stay true to yourselves, each other, me and the other workers, and the Lord Almighty...and you'll never go wrong."

When news of Hezekiah's death reached her while she was with her eldest daughter, she had passed out and had to be taken to the doctor. As soon as she finally recovered, she had went to the hospital's chapel hall and prayed for a revelation. She strongly believed that Hezekiah didn't kill himself as she heard. It only took one phone call to a despondent Cameron through his burner phone to learn that Hezekiah was indeed dead, but the younger and more-sensible twin also believed that his parents had the bodyguards to kill his older brother.

Once she arrived home, she called up Ty'Reek, Lina, Horace, and the others through a group chat on her messaging app and they all convened to talk about memories that they shared with Hezekiah. It was Minnie Jean who provided him with healthy meals when he was left to fend for himself. Ty'Reek was the one to teach him to play cards and self-defense while Lina remembered Hezekiah for helping her grieve the loss of her fiance Minh (albeit an arranged marriage, the Korean-American young woman loved Minh as much as he loved her). Horace and a few other groundskeepers taught him the basics of yardwork and workplace ethics while Lonnie Sue (one of the chefs) taught him to cook.

All of them treated him and Cameron like they were part of their families. And they all had one thing in common: they hated Adelle and Jeffrey Chamblee for treating Hezekiah like old furniture because he wasn't part of their Americana dreams.

They knew what they had to do. And as much as it meant losing their salaries, they would not let this injustice stand any longer.


"My family and I are heartbroken to let you all know of Hezekiah's tragic suicide," Jeffrey said as he and his family, dressed in all white, stood in front of the workers with everyone convening in the large kitchen area. "Adelle and I were devastated to learn that our son ended his life simply because he felt like he never fit in with everyone. Unfortunately, he chose to take the easy yet distasteful way out, something that is never accepted in our family lineage. Hezekiah could've come to us or one of you to talk about his issues."

Minnie Jean fought the urge to roll her eyes. And I wonder why, she thought to herself.

"All the same, the family will be holding a memorial service in the days to come," Adelle said as she stood forward. "However, it will be held in private as you all will have the duties to prepare everything for Mariah's incoming wedding to her beau Andrew."

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