Chapter Forty-Seven: New Beginnings for Defectors

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Media: "Bye Bye" by Mariah Carey

Meanwhile, at the Chamblee Manor...

"It's the end of an era," Mariah remarked as she, her husband, her in-laws, Cameron, and Valentin watched the last of the movers and repo men pack up the last of the family's belongings while hers and Cameron's were already packed up and set for their new homes (Mariah and Andrew in Los Angeles, Cameron in London). "On the one hand, I'm sad that this all had to happen. But on the other hand, this was about to happen sooner or later."

"Well, Mariah, for every ending there is a new beginning," Cameron commented, Valentin pulling him in closer for a hug. "And this marks the brand-new beginning for the last of the Chamblee family. Well, I now go by Warner and you're a Coleman since we had our last names changed."

"That's true," Andrew agreed.

"You all know that we can't come back here, right?" Mariah asked from out of nowhere. "After what Jeffrey and Adelle did, we can never come back to Boston again. Too many dark secrets have tainted the family name and we have to move forward with our new lives. We might be able to forgive them someday, but we could never forget what happened to Hezekiah and how much he suffered."

"I know," Cameron commented. "What happened to his remains, anyway? I know he was cremated and all, but Jeffrey said that he was going to handle the burial of the ashes."

"I take it that you mean that he threw Hezekiah's urn in the trash," Mariah replied, a rueful look on her face. "I saw him do it that night, you know? I was downstairs getting some milk since I couldn't fall asleep when I saw Dad outside tossing the whole urn into the garbage pail."

Cameron scowled. "There's one last thing that he took away from me," he said. "I wasn't able to give Hezekiah a proper goodbye."

"Maybe you can," came a man's voice.

Everyone whirled around to see a well-dressed older man who carried a small container in his hand. "Who are you?" Senator Coleman asked.

"Let's just say that I was the man who took the liberty of retrieving the remains out of the garbage can," the mystery man replied, his New England accent sharp yet smooth. He handed the urn to a surprised Cameron. "This belongs to you, young man."

"Thank you," Cameron breathed. "Wait, you're the mystery butler that didn't leave with Minnie Jean and the others, right?"

Mystery man nodded. "Name's Ferris. Sethaniel Ferris, undercover agent for the FBI," he replied. "Hired by Slater to solve your brother's murder."

He shook everyone's hand with them expressing their gratitude. "I guess we can all leave," Michael intoned as the last of the servants left the house with her suitcases. "There's nothing else left to do."

"Well, there's still one thing left to do," Mariah remarked.

"What's that?" Andrew asked.

Cameron took in Mariah's pointed stare, her gaze trained on Hezekiah's urn. "We give my brother the proper goodbye he rightfully deserves," he said out loud. "And I know just where to go."


Perkins Beach, Martha's Vineyard...

Cameron held the now-opened urn that held the remains of his older brother as he and Mariah stood at the banks of the ocean, the waves tossing to and fro with the afternoon sun dancing on their skin. "Well, 'Kiah, this is where it all ends for you and I," he said. "Mom and Dad never gave you a proper burial as you wanted. But I hope you can enjoy the beaches as you wished to do so after being cooped up at St. Anslem's and our home for too long. Thank you for being my brother, Hezekiah. I will always love you."

"I'm sorry for not being a good older sister to you, Hezekiah," Mariah said, a lone tear falling from her eye. "It may be too late to tell you that you're a good brother, but I plan to do right by my children and Andrew. You were the glue that kept everything and everyone together. I only wished that you were alive to see me and Cameron live good lives. Forgive me for everything."

With that said, Cameron poured the ashes across the waters of the ocean as they were soon intermingling with each other. A lone white dove flew overhead, a symbol of forgiveness as if to say "All is well. Be at peace."

"Thank you," Cameron mouthed as he let Mariah lead him away from the beach and to the waiting car where Valentin and Andrew were standing watch.

"So, where do we go from here?" Valentin asked.

Cameron turned around to face the ocean for one last time, knowing that his brother was finally enjoying his day even in death. "We head home," was all he said before everyone got inside the rental car to head to the airport where they would say one final goodbye before taking off to their various destinations.

Lovely, ain't it? I figured that Hezekiah's ashes deserved to be retrieved by Agent Ferris and be given a proper final resting place.

And now, we learn the fate of the Chamblee Four, which is coming up next! It's short yet sweet just like justice ought to be!


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