Chapter Twenty-Nine: A Divine Escapade at the Savoy Suites

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Third-Person POV

At the Savoy Suites, downtown Axis...

"From whence have you come from, brother?" God asked Lucifer as he and the keeper of Gehenna met at a private hotel room at the Savoy Suites hotel.

"From walking to and fro across the Earth and up and down in it," Lucifer intoned as he takes off his signature black jacket that revealed his red dress shirt which hugged his athletic yet toned frame. "Brother, I assume that our weekly meeting is all about our creation. Hezekiah Chamblee."

God nodded, motioning for Lucifer to sit at the small table that was in the sitting room before he took off his white suit jacket. "Hezekiah has come a long way since his arrival here in the Nexus. I always suspected that he needed to start living the life that was denied to him back on Earth."

"I quite agree, given that his life was basically planned for him by his Earth parents known as Jeffrey and Adelle Chamblee," Lucifer comments just as a servant girl arrived with a small tea service with the beverage in question nice and hot accompanied by a small selection of mini-sandwiches, pastries, and a meat-and-cheese platter with crackers. "If it wasn't for Adelle's saint of a father, she would've gladly had our son aborted with her husband's approval. And that might've earned her our scorn. Still, neither of the parents made things easier for Hezekiah."

"My heart broke every time I had to see him being left to the care of the servants who showed him more of a family bond than his 'blood family' ever did save for Cameron, who actually saw him as a real brother that he could look up to. And Minnie Jean Simmons made sure that the boys leaned on each other while Jeffrey and Adelle wanted Cameron to strive for perfection."

Lucifer smiled. "Hezekiah and Cameron's bond is kind of similar to our bond, brother," he remarked.

"True, but ours has a move divine and cryptic strength that not even man himself can decode. Anyway, Hezekiah's life on Earth was tragically based on being told how to present himself even though he wasn't allowed to be seen in the public. No doubt in my mind that Adelle hated him for being the  son of that rapist who took advantage of her. And let's not forget that Hezekiah's other siblings hated him for being too straightforward and bookish while refusing to help him come out of their shell."

"Let's not forget to mention how they conspired with Chance's family to keep him and Hezekiah apart," Lucifer added. "Chance's family hated him simply because he was living in his true identity and would beat him for every single 'reason' that they can think of. And when Jeffrey and Adelle decided to conspire to have Chance killed, Henry Dalton- the pathetic excuse of a father- was all for it alongside his brothers and nephews. None of them will be shown even the smallest bit of mercy when they'll be sent to my realm for eternal damnation."

"A fitting punishment, brother," God replied, smirking briefly before his face turned serious. "Now, our angels and demons are working with Louis the gatekeeper and even the archangels and arch-demons to gather some information about Miss Catalina Slade- or rather, the brazen young woman who's causing a bit of a problem as she wants Chance for herself."

Lucifer sat back, pausing to sip on his cup of English tea. "And what have they discovered about the young lady?" he wanted to know.

"Louis wouldn't say, but he and the others believe that she's mainly someone who was destined for your realm but was able to use someone else's identity to escape and be placed in the Nexus. That's when she met Chance and knew that she would have to be bonded to him to escape her true destination. She knows that Chance and Hezekiah are true soulmates, but wants the former all for herself."

"Hence her hateful comments towards Hezekiah and how she mocked on how he should've had killed himself and entered into my realm," Lucifer added.

"Wait, what comments?"

The man known as Satan gave God an abridged version of what had transpired during the dinner party to celebrate Alvin and Damon being soulmates and how Catalina had slapped and threatened Hezekiah. "She's really quite dangerous, brother," Lucifer finished. "And if our archangels and arch-demons are correct, Catalina is going to be one problematic young woman who won't back down from anything."

"This will not do," God said, eyes glowing in power to show his heavenly rage. "You and I did not create the Nexus to allow anyone who is not worthy to cause problems between the people who were rejected on Earth. And if that shameless young woman dares to try and separate Chance and our son, she will meet a very lethal fate in your realm."

"Careful, brother," Lucifer drawled, smirking. "You're beginning to sound like me."

"Well, you ought to remember that while I am known to be patient, loving, and merciful; I am also known to show judgment and power to all my creations while being true to my words of punishment to the unrepentant. My Son JC is the only other person who can bring things right to the faithful."

"And Hezekiah?"

God inhaled deeply. "Hezekiah wasn't meant for Earth in the first place," he replied. "I have no regrets for creating him as you have none, but I regretted the moment when we had sent him to Earth and had him conceived by that woman who hated him and her attacker. Hezekiah's life on Earth showed that he persevered throughout the hardest tests."

"As I've said before, many people might've cursed Your name and accepted a road of wickedness if not killed themselves," Lucifer noted. "But like Job, he accepted both the good things and the bad. He had his bouts of insecurities and whatnot, even questioning his purpose at one point. But he remained faithful to the cause and accepted his murder with open arms. He's finally free from the misery he faced on Earth, but will need a lot of support from his friends here in the Nexus as well as therapy to help him come to grips with everything."

"Right," God breathed, sitting up in his chair as He and His brother finished their tea. "And if things with that young woman escalate, it'll be more the reason to have things prepared for...special circumstances."

Lucifer nodded. "I can't agree more."

The female server came to collect the tea service and the remnants of the snacks away. As soon as she left, God and Lucifer faced each other, an air of anticipation thick between them. "It's been good to see you," Lucifer intoned. "Even though it's been only a week, I feel like I haven't seen you enough...or spent more time with you."

"I know," God replied. "You have to deal with the matters with the lake of fire and I have mine regarding heaven. But there's never been a moment that I want to spend more time with you, Lucifer."

Without warning, Lucifer's lips was branded with his brother's as they soon lost themselves in an afternoon of forbidden bliss. Shirts, pants, accessories, and underwear were removed. And then, they enjoyed a rather sensual escapade.

All in all, a rather satisfactory afternoon.

Looks like God and Lucifer are more than divine brothers, if you get my gist! Unfortunately, you'll have to use your imaginations for what happened between them. No need to get too explicit.

Anyway, act two will come to an end as Hezekiah enjoys another therapy session with Thorn before receiving some blood roses from a certain Brazilian femme fatale scorned and envious! And what it will mean for act three will be surprising! You're not ready for what's ahead, folks!

Shout out goes to obsessedfangirl39 and SuperheroesAndSprite. Song: "Escapade" by Janet Jackson.


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