Chapter Fifteen: Poolside Memories, Confessions, and Kisses

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"Hey there," came the voice of Chance as he came into my backyard wearing a lime-green swim brief that complemented his lower assets and made him look like the elite Olympic athlete that he wanted to be back when we were alive.

"Hey yourself," I greeted him as I sitting up on the poolside patio chair. "I haven't been seeing you in a while."

Chance shrugged his shoulders, adjusting the hem of his swim cap that kept his raven-brown hair dry. "I've been busy with my job at Pacifica Vista Resort and Spa. I'm the bellboy there."

I hummed. "I never knew that people can have jobs here."

"We can if we want to. Back on Earth, I was working at a local Holiday Inn and Suites to help chip in for the family, but it was also mainly a nice time-user to get away from my crazy family and their antics."

"I never had a job myself, my dad saying that I needed to focus on my schooling and all. 'Our family doesn't like to be working for the lower scum of the earth,' Dad would say. 'Our family blood is too rich for the commoners and we shouldn't have to kowtow to their level.' Looking back, I think that my parents were too spoiled for anyone's good."

Chance frowned as he fiddled with his clear swimming goggles. "Harsh," he said. "Looks like our families were way too toxic for our blood with you and I being the oddballs."

"Tell me about it," I replied. "Anyway, why are you coming here for a swim. I thought your pool was cleaned already."

"It was until a little incident with one of the other neighbors' dog came over and left a surprise or two. The cleaners are there now, but I needed to get in a workout and maybe spend some time with you. Maybe invite you for a swim myself."

I inhaled sharply, remembering Catalina's warning from before. I don't like it when anyone gets too close to what's mine, her voice echoed in my mind. I need to know if you can back off. I hate for us to be enemies.

"Are you all right?"

I snapped out of the trance to find the jock glancing at me curiously. "Yeah," I replied. "Just a bit lost in thought, that's all. And I might as well join you to release some stress. Give me a minute to grab a speedo and change."

"Great," Chance cheered, sliding on his goggles. "See you in a bit."

I huffed a deep breath as I ducked inside. Chance is in my house and there's going to be a lot going on between us, I thought uneasily. For his sake and mine, I have to keep it together before I end up being burned by a Brazilian woman scorned.


"That was a great swim," Chance breathed as he and I got out of the pool and headed to the patio chairs to let the sun dry our bodies. He took off his cap and goggles as he sat next to me. "I can tell that you made good use of the swimming lessons from when we were in high school."

I fought the urge to smile, remembering the times that he taught me to swim back in high school as part of my PE requirements. "I learned from the best," I replied. "And I can't believe that you remembered."

"Someone has to," Chance  replied. "I've been remembering all the times that you and I spent together before everyone at school and our parents split us apart during tenth grade. Doing school projects, sneaking around to talk on the phone, and even our lunch hours just shooting the breeze. I kind of felt more at ease when I'm with you back then."

I want you to back off from Chance, Hezekiah, Catalina's voice rang sharply in my head. I don't like to share with anyone who I think might be my enemy.

"I've been thinking about you since then myself," I commented, closing my eyes. "It really broke my heart when you passed away and I wasn't allowed to attend your funeral."

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