S2 ep2 pt2

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neil and i finally get ourselves dressed and go into school in time for break and we head to the common room to see jay, will and simon sat looking at valentine's day cards on a table

"roses are red violets are blue, your dong is massive, i want to blow you" we hear jay read out as we sit down

"you feeling better?" my brother turns to me

"what?" i completely forgot my lie from earlier

"you said you were staying in bed for longer because you weren't feeling too good"

"oh ye, no i had some paracetamol and i'm feeling good now"i nod my head

"neil why are you so late"jay asks him

"what are you reading?" i interrupted before neil can answer

"all my valentines cards"

"i didn't get one i can't believe you got so many"neil complains

"next time i'll get you a card instead of what i gave you this year" i turn to look at him with raised brows

"no, i'm sorry, i love you" he quickly kisses me

"what i thought"

"dear jay i've just baked you a finger pie why don't you CUM and taste it"jay interrupted us

"mate that's so horny who do you think it's from" i honestly can't believe how much trust neil has in jay

"your dad"

"yeah funny" neil rolls his eyes

"let me look at these"will then picks up a card and begins to read it out "jay you massive stud please please spaff on my tits from your valentines bitch p.s and on my face"

"that one's my favourite i like how she added the face" neil says smiling

"ye i like it when people put a p.s at the bottom of a card"i look up at neil and he kisses my forehead

"it's just funny how all these cards seem to be in the same handwriting" will clearly catching on to the fact jay has written these himself
"your secret admirers are either very young or have a severe learning difficulties which i admit is a possibility"

"nah the handwritings bad coz they were strumming one out as they wrote them"

"and it's not you writing them with your left hand is it?" my brother speaks up

"you lot are just jealous coz i got loads and you got non"

"i got a card" will scoffs

"i got something better then a card"neil says wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him

"if it's from your nan it doesn't count and i don't want to her that" he points at will then at me and neil

"i didn't get any then"will shrinks back down into his chair

"i actually did get a card a proper one"my brother then pulls out a card from his bag and neil tells him to sniff it to see if she rubbed herself on it which she haven't

we were still in the common rooms when gilbert walks in and hands us out work experience papers telling us where to go "i don't want to hear any whingeing about where your heading"

Will then of course puts his hand up and starts whingeing about where he's supposed to go

"okay it says sutherland and miss cooper are expected at the newspaper"

"well olivia i can understand but with neil there has clearly been some sort of mix up" will says making me kick his foot"i don't mean to be rude but look at him"

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