s2 ep2 pt3

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we were all sat in jay's living room playing. i'm on neil's lap as he plays fifa on the tv with simon and jay when will suddenly speaks up

"guess who got themselves a date with charlotte hinchcliffe?"

"mark donaven?" i guess


"livvys right i bet it is donaven he's probably balls deep in her right now" neil backs me up

"no the answer is me"we all look at him shocked and not believing him

"no way" simon says and they all turn back to look at the game

"yes way, of sorts, of sorts way"


"i have no idea honestly and i'm not gonna stop and ask her, for some reason she likes me at the moment and i'm going to do everything i can to keep it that way"

"do you know why she likes him liv?" jay tuns to me asking because i'm friends with her

"i have no clue why anyone would like him let alone her" i say harshly seen as though will has been abit rude to neil the past few days about the work experience

"brilliant"he turns back to the tv

"so when is it then?" jay asks

"Friday night"

"what we up to friday night?" neil chimes in

when he finds out we are doing nothing on friday night he says we should go will dosent want us to but then quickly realised there was probably no way of stopping us

it was now friday night and we were at this shit under-18 disco to see will get rejected by charlotte hinchcliffe once again

"how's the news paper? did you write anything?" wills asks neil expecting more of an answer then what he got

"no nothing boring like that i'm on the internet most of the day at lunch me and livvy make out in a closet space, this afternoon i smashed old desks in a slip and then they let me go home at four"

we turn the corner and see that the place is full of 12 year olds

"it's even more shit then i knew it would be"my brother complained and will then goes to find charlotte

"oi si hannah feilds is over there" neil points out a girl

"is that who your valentine was from?" i ask him

"oh shit ye she looks quite fit actually"

"she looks like a child actually" i say back to him because she does look like she's about 13

she then walks up to us and pores some alcohol into simons cup before taking it out of his hand and downing it

she then drags him to the other side of the room pins him against a wall and starts kissing him making me turn my nose up in disgust 1) because i can see my brother making out with someone and 2) that someone i'm pretty sure is a child

"i can't watch this" i shake my head before grabbing neil's hand and pulling him towards the bathrooms

we get into the bathrooms and he then grabs me kissing my lips i smile into the kiss as it starts getting more passionate

"what we did this morning was amazing livvy"

"i liked it too neil" as we put our lips back together neil's hands to to my arse making me gasp into his mouth. he then pulls me up and places me on the sinks standing between my legs with my arms around my neck

suddenly the door swings open showing jay and my brother

"what are you doing?" simon points at us

"what are you doing?" i ask in the same tone of voice he did

"simon got beaten up by a 12 year old so now we're hiding" jay nods his head while putting his hands on his hips

"from 12 year olds" i question

"and his northwood older brothers"

"right that makes more sense"

we hear noise outside the bathroom door so we all squish into one stall

"budge up a minute jay i need a piss" neil pushes jay out of his way

"your not pissing in here neil"

"why not it's a toilet"

"go outside baby" i try and reason with him

"what if they come in? i don't see why i can't just piss in here"

"because i do not want to see piss coming out the end of your cock" simon pretty much yells at him

neil then tells us he will sit down and do it which he does sometimes as a treat

there is a knock at the door and simon reply's in a high hitch voice "who is it?"

"it's obviously me" will says from the other side of the door and we let him in

"has charlotte sorted it" my brother asks him

"no but i have though"

"what have you done"

"i've called my mum" will states causing me to scoff

"your mum is coming to rescue us from the toilet of an under-18 disco because simon is being bullied by 12-year-olds" he just nods at me

"look si go outside take your beating from a child like a man and we can all go home" jay told him

"oh shit what if carli finds out about me and that girl"simon says

"is that realy all you can think about right now" i shake my head

"oh no maybe she still won't go out with you" i laugh at jay's comment

"my week hasn't been the best either at least next week will be better, get my teeth into some journalism"will says excited

"oh yea i was met to tell you about that the paper wants to keep me on with olivia so there's no room for you" neil says while still being sat on the toilet

"tell me your joking"

"no they said he's the best work experience they've ever had" i rub neil's shoulder proudly

just then we hear someone over a microphone tell everyone that "will mackenzie's mum" is here to pick him up i sigh in disappointment and walk out of the bathroom while heading all the children laughing at us

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