Movie last part

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it was the day of the boat party and i was absolutely buzzing to go

we were all sat at a breakfast bar before we get on the boat. simon and will look miserable knowing they don't have a ticket any more

"sorry mate if i could give you my ticket i would" neil says to my brother

"you can. just give me your ticket"simon shakes his head at him

" but you see i realy want to go so i can't" neil takes a bite of his toast "take jays ticket"

"i can't i think he needs it"

"what coz of jane" i tease jay

"no just in case the captain dies and they need me to steer the boat" i laugh at his lies

will then crawls up to us groaning about how disgusting the bathroom was

"woah they look hot" i say looking towards the girls as they walk up to us

"lucy, lucy" simon starts yelling to her but she just ignores him and walks away from them

"you alright guys?"

"what's up with lucy?" i look at him like he's an idiot

"i don't know why don't you ask her instead of talking about your ex all the time you might find out" alison says

"jesus simon your so stupid" he turns to me offended


"you know i like carli we have been family friends forever but god you two don't work together, you never will and Lucy over there" i point towards where she went to the beach " she is lovely, gorgeous and she gave you an actual chance not like carli ever did and you are messing it up by obsessing over someone who doesn't want you"

he sighs and gets up to go walk towards the beach 

"so are you going to the boat party then"jay asks the girls but directing it more towards jane

"try stop me we just saw two hot guys dressed as firemen get on board might need a hand with there hoses" me and neil both laugh at janes response but i can see jay is jealous

"well i can go with you?" jay asks

"no thank you" she says and her and lisa walk off to the deck to get on the boat

"jesus your all terrible with women" i shake my head

"what about me" neil looks at me i just smile at him and kiss him on the lips sweetly

after we finish breakfast we get in line to go to the boat party

simon and will managed to get tickets for the boat party and we all went on board when we got in it was amazing. everyone was drinking and having fun

"cheeky shot to get us started" jay passed us all a shot and i gladly accepted

"are you kidding?" wills asks still very hungover

"come on it is the best cure" neil says and i nod my head agreeing

"fair enough what are we toasting" will takes the shot out of jays hand

jay thinks for a second then holds his shot high "to pussay"

"to pussay" we all yell and take a shot and then get another shot

"to being players"

"players" we all yell and do the shot picking up another

"to me and carli" simon yells

"nah your alright"

"fuck off"

non of us say it with him but take the shot

"fine i'm going off to find her anyway" simon begins to walk away 

"wait simon i forgot something" neil tells him and simon turns to face him then neil hits him in the balls and we all laugh at him as he groans and walks away

"i should probably find jane i promised her a dance" jay says. awwwww bless him he then walks off smiling

"just us three then" i smile at will which he does not return instead he runs to the deck and starts throwing up over the side leaving me and neil on our own

i decide to go get me and neil some drinks and when i come back i see neil talking to that david guy

"the other day yeah i started crying and couldn't stop so my parents had to fly out to come take me home" he points over to where two old people were sat looking miserable "do you want to come and say hello"

"alright" neil agrees and i sigh following along

"dad" he points to his dad "mum" he points at his mum and neil shakes both their hands

"so how do you two know each other" his dad asks me and neil

"we're actually married" i say smiling at neil as he wraps his arm around my shoulder

"what, but you guys can't be older then 16" his mum looks at us confused

"we're 19" neil answers them looking confused

"why would you do that your still children this isn't real love"his dad says to us and i start to get abit uncomfortable

"erm i think we're gonna go dance" i say trying to get out of this situation

"how can you say that you don't know us, i have fancied this girl since we were 10 when we first met and loved her for years and i will never stop she is the only person that doesn't make me feel stupid and does make me feel safe. every time i look at her my heart starts beating a mile a minute and my hands get sweaty even though we are together and we are married i never stop getting flustered around her. i can't believe that i get to call her mine and we don't care about anything you have to say because we know we are in love" neil then pulls me away a to the other end of the boat and i swear i have tears in my eyes

"stupid old people" neil says and i giggle at him "you know i do realy love you"

"of corse i realy love you too you are everything i have ever wanted and everything i will ever need" i bring him down to kiss me and we start fully making out

"have you ever thought about having a family" he breaks the kiss to ask me

"what like children?"


"you want to have children with me?"

"very much so"

i smile at him "when?"

"honestly" i nod at him "as soon as possible"

"we will talk about it when we get back for now i just want to spend the rest of the holiday happily with you"

we go up to the top deck to see everyone else and we see simon stood on the roof of the steering room

"alright? what you doing up there then?" neil asks him

"i'm gonna swim to shore and tell lucy how i feel" awwww

he looks out at the land then back at us "is it abit far" 

"nah bollocks i once swam that far underwater"jay lies

" just do it swim to her tell her how you feel then kiss her" i say to him

"fuck it you only live once" we all cheer him on as he jumps into the water

he begins to swim to shore only getting about a quarter of the way before he looks like he's struggling

"i think he might be drowning" wills says as i begin to call the sea police to come and get him out of the water

we see them come and get him and we then go back to partying knowing they will keep him safe

the party was amazing and it turned out to be the best holiday all of us had ever had

movie one done 🫶🫶🫶🫶 i'm probably gonna do movie two but i don't know yet i just don't want this book to end yet 😭 anyway love you all thank you for reading ❤️

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