s3 ep 2 pt 2

389 8 2

#dontdodrugs if u dont want to. but if you do, then like be safe init anyway...

when i walk back over to will and simon with mine and neil's drinks in my hand i see tara and will is introducing himself

"are you the guy who shit himself in the exam"

"yup now tara don't you think it's cool here don't need to take anything to make it better"

i suddenly feel a slap on my arse and i turn round enraged but quickly calm down when i see neil "jays sorted it he's waiting outside" i handed him his drink and he put his hand on my lower back to lead me outside to where jay was

"here we go boys and girls" jay pulls out a joint"right whos  first"

"i've never done it before" tara says exited and simon seems confused "no go on simon show me how"

"maybe jay should go first coz he sorted it only fair"simon says

"no i'm cool in taking a breather i smoked one the size of a parsnip while i was waiting for you lot" i roll my eyes at jay's obvious lie

"well then ladies first"

"no simon i'm scared you go first" this girl was realy starting to get on my nerves but simon caved and took the roll out of jays hand sucking on it but not inhaling

"you didn't even inhale, you've got to take it right back like a cigarette"

"oh yeah sometimes i do it that way cos it gets your um cheeks stoned but i'll try it your way"simon lies

after he did it properly he then passed it to tara who took it back like a natural makeing me think maybe this wasn't her first time and then she went to take some more puffs hogging it

"can i have a go please?" jay asks and she hands him the splif apologising "oh yeah that is good weed" his eyes start watering and he turns to me and neil holding it out to us

i took the joint off him and  had a puff i had done weed before so i knew how to take it back properly like tara did but i didn't want to actually get high so i then passed it to neil

"no i'm alright thanks i've got my sleeping tablets" he then pops them in his mouth

"what about you just say no?" i stick the joint in his direction

"or are you still too scared"jay adds on

"oh yeah i'm scared that you lot won't think i'm cool enough to hang out with anyone oh no"

the crowd from inside started getting realy loud signalling that the band had started playing making tara turn to simon

"come on simon we can't miss them"

"no way jose" he then ran off after her "come on guys

"no your alright jose" jay said and we all laughed at him and waited outside while jay and me finished the joint

we had gone back inside and we were watching the band from afar

"i'm definitely feeling something now" jay nods his head

"i think i'm coming up how many people are on stage it looks like five?" neil splurs definitely not looking good

"neil baby there are three" i answered him putting my hands on his shoulders and i hear wills complaining again

"look if you want to be a mummy's boy that's fine but stop trying to bring us down"

"am i a mummy's boy because i refuse to bow to peer pressure or am i the opposite?"

"he just said if you don't want to do it we don't care but stop being such a bitch about us doing it" i scoff at him

"well i would do it but i don't smoke because... oh what's that thing you get when you smoke?"will stated

"sex" neil interrupted him making me laugh

"no neil cancer"

"i feel brilliant" neil tells us

"well from the outside you look basically the same just abit more boring" will coments and i smack his arm for being rude

"fine give it here then" will then grabs all the weed and shoved it in his mouth "right happy now so you can shut up"

"fucking hell not all of it. you've eaten all of it"jay shouts

"yes so in my life i've had even more drugs then you lot and i still think it's pathetic"

"oh my god will do you know how dangerous that is you have never had any then you go and swallow that much" i say to him and he looks like he begins to panic

"tuesday then yeah" neil says randomly making my eyes snap back to him

"are you alright neil?" will asks him

"baby maybe you should have some water" i suggest

"yeah thanks you can have it back tuesday" he then walks forward starting to dance

"shit don't let him go far" i say to will and jay as i walk to get some water for him

"neil baby come here" i walk towards him unscrewing the lid to the bottle of water he then stops infront of me leaning against a wall to keep him stable i then hold his jaw open and pretty much force the water down his throat

when he finished the bottle he slid down the wall to sit on the floor and i followed along with him

"your so pretty you know" he slurs out making me giggle abit "i realy want to marry you"

i feel completely flustered at his words. obviously i love him but the fact that he's thought about stuff like that makes me realise maybe i want that aswell

i know we are only 17 and people will think we're crazy but i have never loved someone so much. i have never felt so comfortable with someone. i have never laughed as much with one person. i have never felt so loved by one person until neil came into my life

when you know you know

will then walks up to us "guys you've got to help me everything's going flat and i think i might be dead"

"sleepy time" neil then leans his head on my shoulder

"liv help me" will pleaded as his hands shot up in the air

"i'm sorry will i have bigger concerns right now go find simon he will help you" i say feeling bad for will but neil being my main thought so i go to try and pick neil up 

when i manage to get us both standing i wrap his arm round my shoulder and he sort of falls limp against me i just about manage to get us outside and i call a taxi to take us home

we finally arrive back at his house and i can't manage to get him up the stairs so i just flop him onto the sofa

i then get a bucket, some water and a blanket. i put the bucket down on the floor next to the bed and cover him with the blanket and he starts to stir awake

i bring the glass of water to his mouth and force him to drink some again when he has a good few gulps he lays his head back down and i go to sit on the other sofa in the livingroom so i can keep an eye on him

"i love you so much livy"

"i love you too neil"

and i know one thing for sure i am never letting that boy near drugs again

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