Kya hu'a?-What Happen?

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Hey guys sorry I didn't update earlier, I took a family trip down to Disneyland, in fact half of this chapter was written while I was waiting in line for rides:)

Shraddha. Shraddha. SHRADDHA. The crowd got even more wilder every time she would take a shot. By this time Shraddha felt more and more dizzy, and everyone was doing their own things. However it was surprisingly Sidd and Varun who didn't leave her side as they watched Shraddha take another shot, giggling like crazy as she tried to balance herself by the counter but failed miserably as Sidd rushed to her side and grabbed her in time.

Varun shook his head, knowing that it was time to take Shraddha back to her house. He, himself barely could remember what he had done while drinking.

"Bhai, Bhai!" (Bro, Bro.) Sidd called interrupting Varun's thoughts.


"Usake ghara kya hai apa janate haim? (Do you know where she lives?)

"Kya?" (What?)

Sidd rolled his eyes and was about to repeat the question when suddenly Shraddha started to sing, "Sub ka ek Bhai Jaan mere baap." (My father is everyone's lovely brother.)

Sidd stared at Varun and Varun stared back at Sidd and simultaneously yelled, "Oh crap!" Which made Shraddha giggle, "I love you two so much." She said placing one arm around Sidd's neck and the other around Varun's neck. Both men glance at each other and sighed as they dragged Shraddha into a cab.

"Maim le ja rahi hai usake ghara, Tuma ja sakate ho." (I'll take her home, and you can leave now.) Varun told Sidd as he climbed next to Shraddha's side.

"Nahim maim apa ke satha a raha hum." (I'm coming with you guys.) Sidd said opening the other door and slipping in next to Shraddha, placing her in the middle.

"Where to?" The taxi driver questioned.

"Galaxy Apartments in Bandra." Varun responded as Shraddha curled up closer to him.

"Apa kaham the?" (Where have you been?) She asked suddenly.

"Mujh apa ke zarurata tha, Varun." (I needed you Varun.) From the corner of Varun's eyes he could see Sidd tense up, but he shrugged it off thinking that there was no way that Sidd had feelings for Shraddha.

"Chirkut.-" Varun calmly began to explain, but that somehow ended up angering Shraddha.

"Chirkut?! What the hell is a Chirkut, Varun?!" Shraddha yelled as her eyes widen as she hit Varun's shoulder multiple times,"Do I look that unclassy to you, huh?"

Sidd smiled as he tried to stop himself from laughing at Shraddha's cute antics.

Varun rubbed his shoulder and caught both of her wrists before Shraddha could hit him again. Tightening his grip on her, "You are my one and only Chirkut, meaning that you, Shraddha, are my Sweet Bird Voice." Varun stated as he lets go of both the wrist that he held.

A cloud of silence fell among the three young stars as they continued their ride.

Sidd paid for the ride, ignoring Varun's protests to pay as he instructed Varun to get Shraddha safely inside her house.

Varun looked at the house before him and took a deep breath as he positioned Shraddha around his arm.

"Thank You. Varrrun." Shraddha slurred her R's as Varun knocked on door.

They stood in silence for what seemed to be the longest time waiting for the inevitable to happen.

" Maim to mara gaya hum.(I am so dead.)Nice knowing you." Shraddha muttered as they heard the locks of the door rattle.

Shraddha's POV.

My eyes fluttered opened and instantly became blinded by the sun. My head was pounding as I tried my hardest to balance my body after climbing out of the bed. After the second round of shots, everything last night was blur. And it hit me that I was in my bed, which meant that someone must have dropped me home drunk when Salman was still home.

"I'm in so much trouble." I slapped my forehead only realizing that I had made my headache even worse.

"Well. I wouldn't say that you're in huge trouble but your father is disappointment in you, sweetie." Rani, our maid called out from the my doorway.

"Urgggh. Don't even remind me, and I wasn't planning on drinking but I dunno how but it just happened. Is Dad really angry with me?"

She smiled carrying the tray towards me, "If Salman bhai (Brother) was mad with you, he won't have sent me up to give you this." Rani handed me two pills with chai (Tea.) I raised my eyebrows.

"He said it would help with the hangover." Rani answered.

I nodded, "Thanks. I'll be down soon." I said dismissing her.

After Rani left, I cleaned my appearance and decided that I had stalled enough. Deciding to manning up or in my case womanning up, I walked down stairs to face my consequences.

When I went into our dining room and instead of finding an intense glare waiting for me, I found Varun. Varun and Salman chatting and smiling as if they haven't met in while. Which in this case was true.

I cleared my throat to make presence known. Salman looked up smiling, "Come in beta (Child.)"

I cautiously entered, knowing that Salman wouldn't make a scene in front of guests, which yes that did include Varun.

Speaking of the man, I did a double take as soon as I sat down because if my memory served me right-he was wearing the same clothes from yesterday?

Varun must have seen my confusion, "Salman bhai (Brother) was kind enough to let me stay overnight along with Sidd but he had to leave."

"Oh god was I really that drunk?"

Varun nodded as Salman laughed.

"Velma, come get Shraddha some breakfast and Varun it was nice talking to you." Salman said getting up and then he glanced at me, "And you, we'll talk at dinner." He said kissing my forehead, leaving me and Varun alone.

"So Varun about last night-"

"Shraddha stop. I know that you usually don't do these things and I also explained that to Salman bhai (Brother.) Im here for you and always be."

"Thank you so much for even putting up with me."

Before Varun could even reply, his phone started to ring.

"Hello... Yeah but I wasn't with- No Karan I swear...okay fine...sure...alright." Varun hanged up and looked up at me, "We kinda have a situation on our hands. Karan wants to have a chat." He said with a grim expression on his face.

Big hugs to @disney_kid76
And thank you so much to the others who voted, it really means a lot to me that people enjoy reading this story:)

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