Kiss Karke Phas Gaya Yaar- Kissing got me into a mess, Friend

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 I have a quick question: Do guys like the banners or would you like photos instead???

Varun's POV.

The drive to Karan's house was silent and Shraddha and I weren't stalked by the paparazzi for the first time in forever.

I managed to take quick glances at Shraddha, who looked nervous.

"Are you gonna tell me why Karan called us?" She finally spoke up as we were halfway there.

"The media apparently got hold of something that they shouldn't have, well thats all that Karan told me." I sighed as we reached the driveway.

"And?" She raised her eyebrows, "Omg! Is it something really really bad?" Her eyes widen.

I got out of the car and opened her door "Hopefully, we'll see what Karan has to say about the situation." As I held out my arm, which she kindly grabbed and we made our way up to Karan's door.

After being ushered in by Karan's maid, we waited for him in his office. Shraddha paced as I made myself comfortable in on one of his sofas.

"Shraddha. Come sit." I patted one of the seat covers next to me, "Your pacing is not only making me nervous but dizzy as well."

She glared at me but sat down-only to start fiddling her hands. Within a few moments later, Karan walked into the office with Arjun and shut the door behind him.

As Arjun sat down next to me, Karan began to pace just as Shraddha had earlier.

"Sir. Sir. Sir." Shraddha called out as Karan finally stopped with his pacing and reached into his coat pocket and threw what seemed to be photos at our faces.

With anger evident on his face, Karan sat across from the three of us, not saying a word as he watched Shraddha and Arjun both pick up the photo and Shraddha gasped while Arjun remained silent.

"VARUN, HOW CAN YOU BE SO CARELESS??!!!" Karan exploded before I even got the chance to take a proper look at the photos.

"Karan, look it wasn't Varun's fault." Shraddha began, "It was my fault, I had make the choice to drink even though I shouldn't." She passed the photo to me.

As I opened my mouth to defend her, Karan shook his head, "Look Shraddha, sweetheart I have nothing against you, but I can't allow these pictures of you and Varun kissing go viral since Varun-" Karan turns and glares at me as I am still in shock from seeing those pictures from last night. "...Is apparently dating Alia." He finishes and silence fills the room.

"You're dating Alia?" I looked up and instead of finding the face anger, I found the face of sadness on Shraddha.

" I WAS dating her."

"Karan they broke up trust me. It was my idea to drag Varun down to the nightclub, I thought that a few drinks would help him get over Alia, ya know?" Arjun spoke up. He was so quiet that I had forget that he was even here.

Karan let out a huge sigh, "Are you and Shraddha in a relationship?"

"NO!" Shraddha and I yelled at the same time, which surprising frightened Arjun.

Karan nervously tapped on the desk, his glare not moving from neither Shraddha nor I, "In order to save you guys from the media's houndings, you have to admit that you two are in a relationship."

"But kya (why?) I mean doesn't everyone know that they'll be faking especially after when this picture releases, yaar (friend.)" Arjun spoke up.

Karan snapped his fingers, "Got it. We bait them."

"What?" Shraddha exclaimed, "Look. Varun Mujhe mapha kara do (Please forgive me) that I kissed you kaba maim drunk tha (when I was drunk) and got you into this mess with the media but I won't pretend to be in a relationship with you." She got up and headed towards the door.

Karan threw me a look and I knew that suddenly my career depended on Shraddha. I quickly ran to the door and managed to grab her arm before she walked out of the house.

"Shraddha I know that I wasn't there for you when you needed me but please can you please help me, or just listen to Karan's plan, please?"

She spun around, "Saba se pahale mere hatha jane do."(First of all let go of my hand.) Which I immediately dropped and prayed to god that Shraddha would understand what this "mistake" that I don't even remember could get us in trouble especially since the kiss was captured on camera.

"Look Chirkut, just like it takes two to tango, it takes two to kiss. I'm much as involved in this mess as you are but-"

"Varun before you continue, I just need you to know that I do not in any way feel anything for you except for the fact that you're my friend, okay?" I nodded.

"But-" I started.

"No, listen. I will help because like you said it takes two to kiss, but I have conditions."

"So what I'm hearing is a yes?" I led to her back towards Karan.

She giggled, "No, Varun, what you're hearing is a maybe." and I stopped in my track as she walked forward.

Shraddha turned around, "Aren't you coming? Relax, I'm just checking my options."

I smiled and ran forward, "Thank you, Shraddha." I kissed her cheek, "You're doing a huge favor not just for me but for the both of us."

So what do you think Karan gonna made them do next? Any celebrity that you guys wanna see? And OH MY GOD GUYS I FINALLY SAW ABCD 2!!!! It was AMAZING but i was kinda disappointed at the lack of Varddha scenes but hey the DANCING was just something else.

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