Nakali Rista- Fake Relationship

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Thank you, Thank you, thank you so much for the 1K+ views, 50+ comments and 70+ votes!!! That really means alot to me that people enjoy this story:) 

"Maim to mara gaya hum.(I am so dead.) Nice knowing you." Shraddha muttered as they heard the locks of the door rattle. By that time Sidd was by Shraddha side and waiting for Salman bhai's door to open.

There before Shraddha, Sidd, and Varun stood Salman Khan, and it wasn't the Bajrangi Bhaijaan, it was the Dabangg Bhai.

Salman's eyes were tired and showed anger as he took in the appearance of the three youngsters before him. His eyes landed on one person and that was his daughter, Shraddha Kapoor, her hair was a wild mess and she was held by the waist by two men for support. The anger in his eyes were like blazing wild fire.

Salman couldn't help but to want punish Shraddha for having to depend on men having to bring her home, and to add the icing on the cake she was drunk. All Salman wanted for Shraddha was for her to be an independent woman that didn't need to wait for a man to care for her. Plus, he thought that she was coming home tomorrow, sober and problem free from her saheli ki ghara. (Friend's house.)

Shraddha knew what that expression on Salman's face meant even in her drunken state, she could tell that he was clearly disappointed in her. It was the same look everyone had given her when she tried to come back into Bollywood and her movies flopped.

Sidd noticed the tension that rose between Salman bhai and Shraddha as they continued their stare off.

However, it was Varun who was the first to speak up.

"Bhai, umm we brought Shraddha home." Varun started off nervously glancing at Sidd for help.

"Both Anushka and Parineeti had shoots tomorrow and they had to leave early..." Sidd interrupted.

"Why don't you come in?" Salman said widening the door.

Shraddha let her grip on both men go as she tried to walk on her own. Only to have her father come to her aid.

"Sorry Dad." She muttered as few tears rolled down her eyes.

Both Varun and Sidd remained silent as they watched.

"Shh. Sant ho ja mera bachcha." (Calm down, my child.)

"My head hurts, Dad." Shraddha said as she tried to walk and failed once more.

"Okay that's it. You boys are staying over as well. Varun I'll talk to your dad and Sidd I'll talk to whoever you want me to talk to." Salman stated calmly before rubbing his eyes, ignoring Sidd's protests.

"And you." He turned to Shraddha, who looked like she was ready to pass out, "I'm taking you to your bedroom." Salman then proceed to carry his daughter over his shoulder.

"Rani, show the boys their rooms."

Sidd's POV.

"Sir. Sir. SIR." My waitress called, taking me back to the present.


"Do you need anything else?"

Shraddha and Varun were late and I had to get back to shooting in a hour.

"Can I have another coffee?"

"Make that two more." Varun suddenly called with a grumpy looking Shraddha in tow.

"Sure no problem." The waitress winked at Varun and Shraddha snorted.

Why do I feel as if something bad has happened?

"Where were you guys?" I motioned towards the empty cups.

"Sorry yaar." (friend.) "Shraddha and I just came back from Karan's."

"What did Karan want? Did he lecture the both of you?" I chuckled.

"Actually that's what we're here to talk about" Shraddha spoke out as she shifted in her seat.

I raised my eyebrows, "What is it?"

Shraddha glanced over at Varun nervously. He nodded and place his hand into hers, "Sidd, Varun and I are dating." She says calmly looking up for a reaction.

I whistled in relief, "Thank god, I thought you were gonna tell me that there was a possibility that you're pregnant." Shraddha's eyes widen to the size of saucers, "Don't even joke like that... omg...Sidd...what the fuck?"

I smiled, even though I could feel my heart break into pieces. Well there goes my plans to eventually ask Shraddha out.

"But there's something that I feel like you should know. You can not tell anyone and by anyone I mean anyone." Varun continued as he leaned closer, "Our relationship's fake though. The only other person who knows is Arjun."

"What?" I said confused. "Fake?"

"It's one of Karan's stunts." Shraddha quickly added.

Now that made more sense...

"So what does Karan hope to achieve out of this?"

"Saving our careers and butts since there's a pic of us kissing going around from yesterday."

"Wait what?!" I knew that Shraddha and Varun were close yesterday but how could they have been so irresponsible? As much as I admired and secretly loved Shraddha, I was a friend to Alia first and I actually cared for her.

"What about Alia?

"We broke up yesterday."

"Yeah but you kissed Shraddha YESTERDAY. Have you ever thought about what Alia will be going through?" I put my attention on Shra and she looked down, "I honestly didn't know about their relationship until this morning."

"Look, it's my fault and I'm willingly to take all the blame." Varun jumped in before Shraddha could mutter a word.

"No I have a part in this too, Varun. Stop carrying the weight of the world on your shoulder." She squeezed his hand.

"So when are you guys planning to tell the world?"

"Not for a while." Both Varun and Shraddha said at once.

So? Whatcha think of this chapter? And yess I got lazy and decided to add a picture instead of a banner...Anyways school is starting back up and so updates might be a bit slower than usual. Speaking of, this update is late bc my brother decided to take me to Canada w/ him so yeah...Thanks again for the reads, votes and comments. By the way I never asked what you guys thought about Salman adopting Shraddha in this story, so what do you think about that? I think it quite obvious that I'm a huge Salman Khan fan btw...

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