Let's talk

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Shraddha's Pov.

"What's going on here?" Dad commented as Sid, Alia, Varun, and I entered my house. At the corner of my eye, I could see both Alia and Varun tense up.

"We need to discuss I crossed my arms staring him dead in the eyes, "Alone. Just the four of us."

"Well anyways, your father and I were going out anyways." Preity interrupted.

"Wait karo, we are?" Salman responded as Preity nudged him out the door.

"Yes we are. We'll see you later sweetie." She blew a kiss along with a quick wink.

"Bye mom, bye dad." I called out. leaving the rest in the room confused by my reference to Preity.

"Did you just call Preity Zinta your mom?" Alia was the first to ask.

Before I could even answer, my door bell went off. As I opened the door, Arjun came barging in, "Did I miss anything important?"


"Varun texted me." I slapped my forehead. Of course he would text Arjun.

"Welcome to my humble home." I guided him to the others.

"Hey guys." He bro hugged Sid and Varun and gave Alia a light kiss on the cheek.

Apparently, Varun thought that was a nice idea for him to share the love seat with me while Sid and Alia sat on another couch. Arjun decided to be the lone wolf and sat on the recliner seat. All eyes were on me.

"So? What was Preity doing here? And you called her mom." Arjun raised an eyebrow.

"Umm yeah...that...my dad and her are together." I decided not to reveal that they were actually married, considering that Dad was everyone's favorite bachelor I guess.

"Wow." Sid commented and then the room fell silent.

"Bro how did you get that bruise." Arjun spoke up.

"Umm." Varun avoided my eyes.

"Salman gave him a beating." Alia spoke up.

"Kya?" I turned to him, "When?"

"Some time before, I came to look for you and bumped heads with your father." He bit his lip, once again everyone was quiet.

"Shraddha, what you said about Varun in the cafe, was that true? Do you still hold feelings for him? Don't lie." Alia suddenly asked, her eyes burning with intensity.

"You don't have to answer that but it would be nice to know." Varun quickly butted in, placing his hand on mine.

I took a deep breath because if I didn't say it now, I would regret it for the rest of my life, "Yes. I meant every word that I said." Then suddenly I felt free, like I had no burdens on my back. While Alia face's dropped, Arjun couldn't help but smile and Varun seemed like his words left him.

"Finally!" Sid exclaimed, surprising everyone in the room.

"Kya?" Arjun questioned, "Woah okay let's rewind."

"I thought that you like Shraddha?"Arjun stated yet it came out as a question, "And that Shraddha obviously likes Varun...I'm lost man so can we please cut out the melodramatic shit and cut to the chase?"

Alia stayed quiet while this episode played out, which worried me a lot because the last thing I wanted to do was to hurt her. I mean sure, me and her don't always see things eye to eye but she was there when I was going through a rough a time. I honestly did not want to be the girl that stole someone else's boyfriend yet that is what it came down to because in the end no matter how much I deny it, I will always love Varun.

"Please explain." I started, not that I was disappointed or something because I knew that Sid had a crush on me for the longest time but it was strange to me at how he seemed happy, no, excited that I had confessed my feelings to Varun. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Sid suppose to be, I don't say jealous?

"As much as I enjoyed working with you Shrads, I do love you but I'm not in love with you. It may have took me a couple of weeks to finally understand what love really is. And Shraddha, you're just not the girl for me." Sid eyed Alia shortly after his little speech. Suddenly I felt like I wasn't the only one that had connected the dots because Arjun and Varun both caught on while Alia was still left clueless.

"But aapne toh mujhse date leke gaya?"(But you just took me out on date?) I questioned.

"Ahh but I also knew that if we went out that we would definitely run into Alia and Varun," He paused, "Since Varun goes out to get his favorite watermelon drink on Sundays." Arjun finished off, " Which by the way is brilliant." He high-fived Sid.

"But I honestly wanted to hear what Shraddha was feeling so that I could reveal my feelings as well."

"Your feelings?" Varun spoke up, I also forgot that he was here and had his arms wrapped around my shoulders.

"Yeah." Sid turned to Alia, "I know that when we shot Student Of the Year, I totally ignored you but in these past few weeks, I have felt stuff that I've never felt before in my life and Alia I know that you felt them too."

"Well Alia, please explain." Arjun looked towards her as he took off his shades.

"I-I-I honestly don't know but all I know is that I'm-I'm not-not that mad at Varun anymore." She stuttered, avoiding Sid's eyes.

"Wait, you're not?" Varun said, "Because I was going to officially end things, you know, with us at the cafe." He shrugs, "But there goes my plans."

Alia giggled, "I'm not you idiot, I was going to tell you that I wasn't feeling the same sparks that I used to feel. But then I saw your beatings and decided against it, which by the way I'm still pissed about Shraddha, why the hell did Salman hit him, of all people."

"Oooh I know that answer." Arjun said, "As someone who has technically spent half their youth with him, I know that Salman usually doesn't hit people randomly...well yeah he does but it wasn't like he picked the people out randomly."

"Bruh you're aren't making sense." Varun interrupted, "Salman basically told me that I broke Shraddha's heart which isn't remotely accurate but I'll take it because I didn't properly handle the situation in the way that I should have, and then out of the blue he kinda just punched me."

"Ahh dude you're the real MVP." Arjun shook his head as he shook Varun's hand.

"That, I am." Varun gently squeeze my shoulders.

"And yes Sid I am willingly to give you a shot." Alia spoke up in which all the boys smiled.

"Bruh when will I ever find a girl?" Arjun complained as Varun smacked him, "Don't worry yaar we'll find you a sweet and beautiful girl too, right Shrads?"

I nodded, "Of course baba."

I honestly couldn't help but smile, everything was finally falling into place...after years of waiting, I had my childhood crush in my arms, while others were finding love. To be honest, nothing could go wrong.

Hey guys sorry for not updating in a while...but here we go, we have only two more chapters and then this story is finished.

So how was this chapter?

Again I wanna thank everyone who ever takes time to read this weird story that I write without any plans since the ideas for these chapters come randomly to me.

Anyways can you guys recommend me some good Shraddha stories where she is the main character, please? Idc who her hero is but I just don't want it to be Sooraj Pancholi like NO.

BTW I'm hecka excited that Arjun and Shraddha are doing half girlfriend even if the book sucked.

*tbh I don't think that they should remake that movie but I'm just glad that Varddha might happen again so...yeah

With love,

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