Maine Pyaar Kyun Kiya

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Shraddha's pov.

"Kya?" (What?)

"Look-" I started as I stood up and quickly lost my confidence as I looked over Alia's shoulder.

I rose my eyebrow and pushed past her, rushing to Varun's side.

"What happened to you?" I question as I caress his bruised cheek.

He fliched.

"Get away from him!" Alia quickly got in front of him slapping my hand away from his face.

Anger quickly boiled inside of me. How dare she?

"Alia." Varun said calmly as he gently moved her aside so that he was facing me.

"Is it true?" His voice broke.

"Ugh guys." Sid interrupted.

"What?!" Both Varun and I shouted.

He placed his hands up and stood back, "The paps are coming." He pointed.

Sure enough we turned to see at least five camera men were already on the way over.

"Crap. Guys let's go to my house." I invited and by Alia's face I could tell that it wasn't going to happen until Varun answered, "Okay Alia and I will meet you guys over there. We have to talk about this."

Alia began to protest but it fell to deaf ears as Varun guided her in the direction of their car.

"Well that went well. Better than what I originally thought." Sid commented as we walked back to our car.

From the corner of my eye in the passenger seat, I could see Varun following along with more paparazzis following us, ready with their cameras to take pictures.

"Keep your head down." Sid instructed.

Following his instructions I was again reminded for why I never told Varun about my crush when it hit me again in my teenage years.

"Shraddha! Shraddha! Over here!" Varun waved his arms like a maniac.

Rolling her eyes, Shraddha walked over, dragging her bag along with her. Of course, she would walk to the craziest thing, tackling Varun in a tight hug.

"Oww." She loosened her gripped, "Sorry." Shraddha immediately apologized.

"I was just kidding. God I missed you so much!" He exclaimed.

"I missed you too VD. Speaking of missing, where's my parents and yours?" Shraddha questioned as she looked over his shoulder.

"Oh... them." His eyes widen, " I think I might have gotten a little too excited to see you again, and well....I lost them in the crowd as soon as I saw you." He scratched his neck nervously.

Before Shraddha could answer him, a loud squeal distracted her.

"Shraddha!" Her mother and Varun's mother attacked her into a huge hug.

Shraddha smiled, "I miss you too mommy and auntie."

"Urghmm." Shraddha raised her eyebrows as she located that noise.

"Shraddha, this is Natasha, my girlfriend." Varun stated with a smile.

After hearing that Shraddha tried her hardest to stay composed as she shook Natasha's hand not before catching the look of disgust on her beloved aunt's face indicating that she did not approve of her son's latest girlfriend.

"Varun has told me a lot about you." I shot him a look as Natasha carried on, "Hopefully we'll get to know each other." She smiled.

"Here Shraddha let me help you with your bags, Natasha why don't you go with ma and auntie to get a ride." Varun said suddenly."

Natasha nodded following the two ladies out, leaving both Varun and Shraddha alone.

"So Natasha seems like a lovely girl..."

"Okay Shradds please don't be mad, I was going to tell you about her but she really wanted to tag along. I swear I had this amazing way of telling you and everything." Varun started.

"Okay. Hey VD it's fine."

"Wait you're okay about this?"

"Definitely" She said with her heart breaking to pieces as she knew that she lost her chance once again.

"Umm Shraddha, we're here." Sid tapped my shoulder.

Getting out of the car, my eyes met with Varun and I could see fear in his eyes and I instantly knew who gave him that bruise.

Hey guys sorry for this late chapter, I just have so much going on with school and urghh I've just been really stressed lately....Anyways this was just a little fluff chapter, the next one is the real deal:) THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE 5+ K VIEWS<3

Please let me what you think:)



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